Setting up #eglot and #treesitter on #windows gotchas so far: make sure your c compiler is on your emacs exec-path.
If, like me, you're restricted to running python 2.7 (don't ask) then your language server options are limited to python-language-server and pyls (the deprecated palantir offering). That's right folks, a software choice where Microsoft appear to be the good guys?
Hoy en el blog hablo un poco sobre las pruebas que he hecho por encima de #eglot en #emacs
Going back to #lsp-mode after testing #eglot for a couple of months.
I really liked the simplicity of eglot, but in some cases it was just too simple (as in, not providing features).
No semantic token highlighting is one example.
Trying to keep the lsp config minimal this time. But we'll see, maybe I'll go back to eglot again :/
Hey #emacs users! Need some help for get #eglot to recognise my python virtual environment. I’ve got set it up using #pyslp and pyvenv. The latter seems initiated, but mypy complains that cannot import the modules which I have in the venv: “mypy: Cannot find implementation or library stub for module named "loguru" [import]” Could you give me some advice?
When using #Eglot how does it decide which files it will search for xref-find-definitions? Does that depend on the language server? Trying to use #omnisharp but can't get it to see anything outside of the file I'm currently editing. Any ideas?
Ok, so I think it is time again to declare #emacs bankruptcy and start me init.el from scratch. So many changes.
If you want to join me, I plan to stream. Watch here for more info.
1. I got over the hype of using #orgmode for my config.
2. I caved, I started using #lsp via #eglot
3. I want to use #nix for installing packages
4. I want to use better codding practices.
My current emacs config is here:
#nix #eglot #lsp #orgmode #emacs
Been a wee while now since I jumped over to #Eglot on #Emacs and I must say I'm finding it a really good experience. But I *really* need to figure out how to tidy up this particular docstring display issue...
Feels like there should be a "clean description" hook somewhere so I can at least take care of things.
Eglot inlay hints landed in #emacs-29 branch!
In the end the author of the #eglot package wrote the code, but the code is there and works!
Still experimental, it will probably not work well on large codebases.
Go give it a try and report issues!
The feature is disabled by default, add this to enable it:
(add-hook 'eglot-managed-mode-hook #'eglot-inlay-hints-mode)
Looking to possibly migrate from #lspmod to #eglot in #emacs
Curious if there is an eglot equivalent to lsp-ui?
Also how to register custom settings and pass them to the language server?
Current lsp-settings.el :
Current eglot-settings.el :
Insights and recommendations welcome.
Hello #Emacs people!
A while ago I was showing how I was working on inlay hints inside #eglot. Today I have a sort of working patch, you can test it here: and you can check out my patch on the mailing list here:
Only missing:
- show hints on document open without causing lags or timeouts
- ways on improving the code, currently I'm sending the whole file each time to update the hints, there might be better ways?
Feedback welcome!
Anyone in the #emacs #eglot community can help me out with something?
I'm trying to have code lenses work with eglot, I'm not sure this is even possible.
Any tips welcome!
I've opened a post on reddit about it here too:
Has anyone tried setting up the ruby-lsp server in #emacs - preferably with #eglot?
I'm not talking about #solargraph, but the LSP server maintained by Shopify folks.