On #Overpopulation, #ClimateChange
Before the malthusian argument becomes a common sense again, that we are to many on this 🌍 #planet:
A world with 8 to 10 Billion ppl. is possible,
- when the rich 500 Mio. ppl. wouldn't try to possess everything for their own.
- if people could share what they have, without the anxiety of loosing it (housing inclusive)
- and products would be produced in a good quality lasting way, like a car once drove 1.000.000 km and more.
And without suffering climate change. 😎 Technically speaking all this is possible.
The reason why it can't materialize, is your believe in the #egocentric egoistic #capitalist, that would somehow represent human nature.
PS: Back then, when #Malthus found, there were to many humans on this planet, we were actually 1 Billion. 🤭 Dumb believe.
#overpopulation #ClimateChange #planet #egocentric #capitalist #malthus