Working on the Ego & Ego Death chapter today, starting just from notes, not even an outline. Most of my recent work up till now has been reviewing/editing existing chapters to reload my brain splines. So I'm shifting gears. I haven't thought about ego in a long time. I need to come at this by sitting on a porch somewhere overdoing it with a joint for several hours.
Thankfully I do have some notes from previous such sessions. #ScriptureWriting #Ego #EgoDeath
#scripturewriting #ego #egodeath
RT @JayaCaporusso
"#DissolutionExperiences and the experience of the #Self : An empirical phenomenological investigation"
Check out my Master's thesis:
#CognitiveScience #EmpiricalPhenomenology #SenseofBoundaries #EgoDeath #EgoDissolution
#egodissolution #egodeath #senseofboundaries #empiricalphenomenology #cognitivescience #self #dissolutionexperiences
new #musicblog post!
Dive into #StuMacKenzie’s use of the #Greek word ‘anamnesis’ in the #Gizzverse, visiting #Zhuangzi and #PhilipKDick along the way…
written by team member David Kane!
#KingGizz #blog #etymology #PKD #IChing #Gnosticism #HanTyumi #EgoDeath #Dao
#kglw #musicblog #stumackenzie #greek #gizzverse #zhuangzi #philipkdick #kinggizz #blog #etymology #pkd #iching #gnosticism #hantyumi #egodeath #dao
knock down the wall around your heart / made of brick and fear / it's trapped you in and the world out
#EgoLess #EgoDeath #Nonbeing #Nonexistence
/ words by #GreenTeam
/ art in collaboration with #midjourney
#egoless #egodeath #nonbeing #nonexistence #GreenTeam #midjourney
I'm in the process of moving over from Medium to Substack (mostly because I want to be able to offer everything without paywalls). It'll allow me to clean out all the stuff about marketing and social media that isn't relevant anymore. That can live in the mausoleum Medium will become.
"A theory about 'ego death' and narcissism" is one I'll keep:
#psychedelics #consciousness #egodeath
#ImaginationNetwork #Flow #CreativeFlow #PassingThoughts #ShowerThoughts #NeurologyofAdhd #CreativeIndex #FluidReasoning #CreativeMinds #psych #lsd #ayahuasca #Hallucinogenics #shrooms #hypnotic #hypnosis #hypnotherapy #psychotherapy #shamanism #luciddreaming #collectiveunconscious #jungian #collectivepsyche #kaiofdogtown #straightouttadogtown #plur #raveculture #microdose #mandy #kaithehitchhiker #NetflixDocumentary #documentary #interestingpeople #accidentalhero #accidentalheroine #homeless #transient #hitchhiker #nomad #nomadic #digitalnomads #vanlife #skoolie #fireus #fi #kmphnews #lovedrug #happypill #bigpharma #egodeath #freudian #shaman #pagan #paganism #medicineman #unhoused #homelessness #hitchhiking #funnyinterviews #memes #ghostsofyoutube #homelesshitchhiker #raciallymotivatedattack #innocentbystander #poverty #socialdeterminantsofhealth #rehabilitation #nj #newjersey #stateprison #inmatehealth #mentalillness #druginducedpsychosis #racistattack #domesticterrorist #domesticterrorism #crt #criticalracethory #vehicularmanslaughter #weaponizedcars #carattack #hitandrun #replacementtheory #commonenemy #trumpian #antiimmigrant #bigotry #victomofracism #incel #mgtow #whitemalerage #familicide #toxixmasculinity #middleagecrisis #mediocrity #whitemalemediocrity #mediocrewhitemale #displacedanger #displacedoutrage #racewar #manufacturedoutrage #alexjones #conspiracytheorist #flatearthers
#imaginationnetwork #flow #creativeflow #passingthoughts #showerthoughts #neurologyofadhd #creativeindex #fluidreasoning #creativeminds #psych #lsd #ayahuasca #Hallucinogenics #shrooms #hypnotic #hypnosis #hypnotherapy #psychotherapy #shamanism #luciddreaming #collectiveunconscious #jungian #collectivepsyche #kaiofdogtown #straightouttadogtown #plur #raveculture #microdose #mandy #kaithehitchhiker #NetflixDocumentary #documentary #interestingpeople #accidentalhero #accidentalheroine #homeless #transient #hitchhiker #nomad #nomadic #digitalnomads #vanlife #skoolie #fireus #fi #kmphnews #lovedrug #happypill #bigpharma #egodeath #freudian #shaman #pagan #paganism #medicineman #Unhoused #homelessness #hitchhiking #funnyinterviews #memes #ghostsofyoutube #homelesshitchhiker #raciallymotivatedattack #innocentbystander #poverty #socialdeterminantsofhealth #rehabilitation #nj #newjersey #stateprison #inmatehealth #mentalillness #druginducedpsychosis #racistattack #DomesticTerrorist #domesticterrorism #crt #criticalracethory #vehicularmanslaughter #weaponizedcars #carattack #hitandrun #replacementtheory #commonenemy #trumpian #antiimmigrant #bigotry #victomofracism #incel #mgtow #whitemalerage #familicide #toxixmasculinity #middleagecrisis #mediocrity #whitemalemediocrity #mediocrewhitemale #displacedanger #displacedoutrage #racewar #manufacturedoutrage #alexjones #conspiracytheorist #flatearthers
The 5 Gates
/1\ Nutrition & exercise (physical health)
/2\ Commune with nature (mental health)
/3\ Connection with others ~ friends/pham/random strangers (emotional health)
/4\ Dancing or meditation (ego release) / #EgoDeath
/5\ One with everything & nothing / #SurrenderToTheFlow
#egodeath #surrendertotheflow #everyday
When you lose yourself by #egodeath, you also lose your identity, which you will then experience freedom.
RT @MyTakeWhenBaked: Always remember:
#dmt #egodeath
#dmt #egodeath #DailyInspirobot #DailyInspiration
The only way to avoid permanent cognitive dissonance is to always be open to new information and the possibility you are mistaken.
Ask your doctor if #egodeath is right for you.