Judicial activist directed fees to Clarence Thomas’s wife, urged ‘no mention of Ginni’
#Law #LawFedi #SCOTUS #JudicialEthics #Ethics #NonProfit #VotingRightsAct #VotingRights #impartiality #disclosure #egregious #NonProfitLaw #JudicialEducationProject #FollowTheMoney
#followthemoney #judicialeducationproject #nonprofitlaw #egregious #disclosure #impartiality #VotingRights #votingrightsact #NonProfit #ethics #judicialethics #SCOTUS #lawfedi #law
Judicial activist directed fees to Clarence Thomas’s wife, urged ‘no mention of Ginni’
#Law #LawFedi #SCOTUS #JudicialEthics #Ethics #NonProfit #VotingRightsAct #VotingRights #impartiality #disclosure #egregious #NonProfitLaw #JudicialEducationProject #FollowTheMoney
#followthemoney #judicialeducationproject #nonprofitlaw #egregious #disclosure #impartiality #VotingRights #votingrightsact #NonProfit #ethics #judicialethics #SCOTUS #lawfedi #law
Trump Gets a Taste of His Own Medicine
What was once novel and frightening became familiar; familiarity bred contempt, but also enough acceptance to let Trump get away with a lot. The idea that a former president might be indicted for a crime has, through repetition, gone from an unthinkable breach of long-settled norms to something so expected that the actual event may feel like an anticlimax.
Rhyming one's haiku--
an egregious thing to do?
NOT something I rue.
#Haiku #Senryu #Poetry #TinyPoems #SmallPoems #Poets #Prompts #Prompt #WritingPrompt #Poem #AmWriting #MicroPoetry #Writing #WritingCommunity #PoetryCommunity
#poetrycommunity #writingcommunity #writing #micropoetry #amwriting #poem #writingprompt #prompt #prompts #poets #smallpoems #tinypoems #poetry #Senryu #haiku #egregious #microprompt
Season 5 Episode 18 "Fire with Fire"
#RandomBaywatch #lvdlpx #Baywatch #Gorgeous #Lifeguard #Sexy #Swimsuit #SexyLifeguards #sun #sea #sand #beach #WaterSafety
#egregious #RandomBaywatch #lvdlpx #lifeguard #sexy #swimsuit #SexyLifeguards #sun #sea #sand #beach #watersafety #gorgeous #baywatch
The fact that #Kalief was at that age subject to so much #egregious state-sponsored #brutality
for such #piddly #idiotic #bullshit,
while simultaneously all the "good citizens" of #NewYork are #insane over 16 year olds having normal natural #healthy #SexLives
is #appalling AF.
#brutality #piddly #bullshit #newyork #insane #sexlives #appalling #Kalief #egregious #idiotic #healthy