The Middle Kingdom of ancient Egypt (2000 BCE – 1700 BCE) saw the start of more formal writing which included religious scripts, administrative notes, and more in-depth fictional writing. #History #EgyptianLiterature #EgyptianPapyrus #Hieratic
#hieratic #egyptianpapyrus #egyptianliterature #History
Harper's songs were lyrics composed in ancient Egypt to be sung at funeral feasts and inscribed on monuments.'s_Songs_of_Ancient_Egypt/ #History #EgyptianBurial #EgyptianLiterature #EgyptianReligion
#egyptianreligion #egyptianliterature #egyptianburial #History
Setna II (also Setna Khaemaus and Si-Osire) is a work of ancient Egyptian literature from Roman Egypt (30 BCE - 646 CE) written in demotic script. #History #EgyptianLiterature #Khaemweset #RomanEgypt
#romanegypt #khaemweset #egyptianliterature #History
Seshat (also given as Sefkhet-Abwy and Seshet) is the Egyptian goddess of the written word. #History #EgyptianCulture #EgyptianHieroglyphs #EgyptianLiterature
#egyptianliterature #egyptianhieroglyphs #egyptianculture #History
The Papyrus Lansing is an ancient Egyptian document that dates to the reign of the Pharaoh Senusret III (also known as Sesostris III, and, arguably, the legendary Sesostris written of by Herodotus) the 5th ruler of the 12th Dynasty of Egypt from 1878-1839 BCE. #EgyptianLiterature #EgyptianPapyrus #Papyrus #History
#History #papyrus #egyptianpapyrus #egyptianliterature
The Report of Wenamun (also known as The Tale of Wenamun or The Report of Wenamon) is an Egyptian literary work dated to c. 1090-1075 BCE toward the end of the New Kingdom (c.1570 - c. 1069 BCE). The piece was originally interpreted as an actual official report, but the use of certain stylistic devices (dialogue and symbolism among them) has led scholars to conclude that the work is more along ... #EgyptianLiterature #Literature #NewKingdomofEgypt #History
#History #newkingdomofegypt #literature #egyptianliterature
Papyrus is a plant (cyperus papyrus) which once grew in abundance, primarily in the wilds of the Egyptian Delta but also elsewhere in the Nile River Valley, but is now quite rare. Papyrus buds opened from a horizontal root growing in shallow fresh water and the deeply saturated Delta mud. Stalks reached up to 16 feet tall (5 m) ending in small brown flowers which often bore fruit. These plants ... #Ankh #EgyptianCulture #EgyptianLiterature
#egyptianliterature #egyptianculture #ankh