December 3rd is the Egyptian festival of the Going Forth of the Gods of #Abydos, site of the #Osireion Tomb of #Osiris. #Antinous is identified with Osiris and an Osireion-like structure has been found at #Antinoopolis. What's an Osireion? Click here: #egyptianoccult
#abydos #osireion #osiris #antinous #antinoopolis #egyptianoccult
November 29th is the Egyptian feast of the Winged Serpent Demon Deity #Nehebkau ("Defrags KAs"). He ingests (uploads) contents of your spiritual heart for download in the afterlife. Your cloud storage dropbox for eternity. You CAN take it with you! More: #egyptianoccult
November 20th is feast of Egyptian lion goddess #Sekhmet and the Purifying Flame. The Lady of Power burns away illusions, lies, deception to enhance your #clairvoyance. #egyptianoccult #liongoddess #egyptiandeities #egyptiangods
#sekhmet #clairvoyance #egyptianoccult #liongoddess #egyptiandeities #egyptiangods