The Middle Kingdom of ancient Egypt (2000 BCE – 1700 BCE) saw the start of more formal writing which included religious scripts, administrative notes, and more in-depth fictional writing. #History #EgyptianLiterature #EgyptianPapyrus #Hieratic
#hieratic #egyptianpapyrus #egyptianliterature #History
The Lamentations of Isis and Nephthys is an ancient Egyptian text in which the two goddess-sisters call the soul of the god Osiris to rejoin the living. #History #EgyptianBookoftheDead #EgyptianPapyrus #EgyptianReligion
#egyptianreligion #egyptianpapyrus #egyptianbookofthedead #History
The Lamentations of Isis and Nephthys is an ancient Egyptian text in which the two goddess-sisters call the soul of the god Osiris to rejoin the living. #History #EgyptianBookoftheDead #EgyptianPapyrus #EgyptianReligion
#egyptianreligion #egyptianpapyrus #egyptianbookofthedead #History
The Papyrus Lansing is an ancient Egyptian document that dates to the reign of the Pharaoh Senusret III (also known as Sesostris III, and, arguably, the legendary Sesostris written of by Herodotus) the 5th ruler of the 12th Dynasty of Egypt from 1878-1839 BCE. #EgyptianLiterature #EgyptianPapyrus #Papyrus #History
#History #papyrus #egyptianpapyrus #egyptianliterature
The ancient Egyptians experienced the same wide array of disease that people do in the present day, but unlike most people in the modern era, they attributed the experience to supernatural causes. #EgyptianCulture #EgyptianMedicine #EgyptianPapyrus #History
#History #egyptianpapyrus #egyptianmedicine #egyptianculture
In ancient Egypt, the people sustained the government and the government reciprocated. Egypt had no cash economy until the coming of the Persians in 525 BCE. The people worked the land, the government collected the bounty and then distributed it back to the people according to their need and merit. Although there were many more glamorous jobs than farming, farmers were the backbone of the Egypt... #EgyptianAgriculture #EgyptianCulture #EgyptianPapyrus #History
#History #egyptianpapyrus #egyptianculture #egyptianagriculture