Bryn 🜏 :heart_cyber: · @d1pl0mat
836 followers · 86 posts · Server

I get it. I get that having your corner of the internet break away from the rest is a MASSIVE pain in the ass. It feels even worse when, as far as you can tell, the issue has been handled. "Laurelai/Slaanesh isn't in charge anymore. She can't do more harm, and she deserves a chance to be part of this community."

What I think you all need to understand is that this isn't just someone who said shitty things or did a racism and has since apologized. From what we can gather, she's been accused of using a platform much like this one as a means of collecting SA victims. Coming around to a newly-popular social media platform — one used largely by queer people, mind you — and forming a community of her own under a pseudonym is, to put it bluntly, a REALLY suspicious thing for someone with that kind of history to do.

I can't say for certain if Kolektiva's original "crusade" against 8pt was based in transphobia. But I do know that once the true identity of was uncovered, it became a matter of keeping OTHER QUEER PEOPLE safe from one queer person who happened to be problematic. If you need any further indication that this isn't fueled by transphobia, just look at's response! Their MAJORITY-TRANS modmin team decided to defederate because they wanted to keep their people from interacting with a known predator.

The LGBTQIA+ community is one that values consent and safety. After all, we've been repeatedly violated in BOTH of those regards on a systemic scale. We're assaulted, verbally and physically abused, and generally treated as second-class citizens for loving and living authentically. It's extremely important for us to work AGAINST this sort of abuse, and it's even MORE vital to do so when it happens within our own community.

As a minority group with these values, not to mention one that has been consistently held down with accusations of being sexual predators, I would expect that we would be more harshly and vehemently opposed to giving such people a second chance. The fact that we have people trying to welcome an ACTUAL offender back into the community is the crux of the issue.

There is no "restorative justice" to be had here. Someone who was poised to abuse a position of power was ousted from that position, and from the community in which she held that position. For said community to then say "actually, come on back in, but you can't be an admin anymore" is absolutely absurd. It totally disregards the safety of those who don't know who LB is, who don't know her history.

I know I'm going to be accused of spreading about a trans woman, which is fucking ridiculous because I AM one. But it's important to acknowledge that there are bad actors in ANY group of people. The vast majority of queer people aren't abusers, but there can be and are exceptions, and LB is likely one of them. We can't come to her defense just because she's one of us.

So to summarize:

⋄ Kolektiva's unmasking of Slaanesh, even if not INITIALLY well-intentioned, was not ultimately based in transphobia. I don't doubt there were SOME people involved with that goal in mind, but that doesn't make the situation they uncovered any less serious.

⋄'s decision to defederate after modmins refused to oust LB entirely is ALSO not based in transphobia, obviously. Said decision was made by a panel of mostly trans people.

⋄ I am questioning the judgment and intentions of anyone who things LB should be forgiven and kept around. Trans or not, she is a known danger to those with whom she tries to interact, and I do not believe that knowingly allowing her to do so is the right decision here.

⋄ I recognize that banning her allows her to just make another pseudonym and rejoin the Fediverse elsewhere…but she would be able to do this ANYWAY. At least by publicly disallowing her return, 8pt would be taking a stance. Instead they insist that she deserves a second chance if she wants one, and that's not okay with me.

⋄ I do not blame anyone who was already on and who wishes to stay there for their own subset of the community, but I would STRONGLY discourage Mastodon/Fediverse newcomers from joining that instance.

#slaanesh #fud #eightpoint #fediblock #defederation #Kolektiva #techlgbt #drama

Last updated 2 years ago

Abby 🏳️‍⚧️ · @abby
168 followers · 792 posts · Server

My personal stance on RE: defed

We are a small server, but I was asked about this, so here we go.

I once stopped going to a coffee shop for 3 years because I was fed a nothing sandwich by internet outrage. Ever since I have been very careful with blanket decisions, especially when they impact others.

Most defeds I've done have been for trolls or Nazis.

We were all done with this situation back when the user was removed from their administrative post at and left the server.

I want to be utterly clear, Laurelai Bailey is a bad person. She is not welcome on now or at any point in the future. The amount of drama involving her across the internet is absolutely ludicrous for someone so unnoteworthy.

Incoming a super brief rundown. She has had allegations of SA placed against her. She has levied claims of libel against those accusers. In both situations, potential victims have made their decision to not pursue legal recourse. Clearly the truth must lie somewhere in the murky middle there, where only the people present actually know for certain what happened.

She has also been known to be an FBI informant. She was a mod for r/antiwork and r/ContraPoints and was removed following information that determined who she was.

I am not aware of any servers that she is currently on. If that changes, discussions will be held and a decision will be made then, not before. Anything short of that is harmful to the community at large.

cc: @12

#eightpointapp #techlgbt #eightpoint

Last updated 2 years ago

SkatorGaytor · @SkatorGaytor
7 followers · 5 posts · Server is doing the wrong thing defederating from 8p. This will not make users safer, it will only create drama and undermine the fediverse.

#techlgbt #defederation #eightpoint

Last updated 2 years ago

In short, because refuse to block a former admin, outed as a serial rapist from their instance. This harbouring of a sexual predator is putting their community and the wider at risk, which goes against 's standards for safety & ethics.

I personally agree with the defederating, and think until Eightpoint take a firm public stance against these kinds of things, other instances should follow Tech's lead.

#eightpoint #fediverse #techlgbt

Last updated 2 years ago

sheepchase · @sheepchase
329 followers · 4194 posts · Server

So I hadn’t been following the and thing, but having read some of the exchange and the emails that are given I just feel that there’s an odd understanding of ‘Restorative Justice’. And having read the book, “On Repentance and Repair” (a Jewish approach) I feel like the *actual* victims of the perpetrator maybe haven’t been involved as much as they should be?

#eightpoint #techlgbt #eightpointapp

Last updated 2 years ago

12 of 47 it/its𒀭𒈹𒍠𒊩 · @12
229 followers · 2216 posts · Server

looks like our total users here on are going up again, that's nice to see. To those who just signed up, welcome! :inanna:


Last updated 2 years ago

April Daniels · @AprilDaniels
522 followers · 388 posts · Server

currently has 804 active users, most of whom are transgender women.

It's not an accident that people want the place to be seen as "not safe" and a haven for hate even after they defenestrated Laurelai Bailey all-but immediately after she was identified.


Last updated 2 years ago

April Daniels · @AprilDaniels
521 followers · 375 posts · Server

Laurelai Baley is a Federal informant whose literal job is to destabilize the trans fem community.

She lied to about who she was. She mislead trans women into thinking she could moderate a place that was safe for trans women. SHE lied. SHE was the bad actor.

If you're still holding her participation against eightpoint, you're doing COINTELPRO shit to your own community and you need to fucking stop.


Last updated 2 years ago

Luna · @LunaCottonwood
265 followers · 1087 posts · Server

how some members of the have behaved reminded me so much of my abusive ex.


Last updated 2 years ago

April Daniels · @AprilDaniels
523 followers · 443 posts · Server

Hey can someone give me an update on what's going down with ?

When it looked like they were going to collapse, I was sounding people out for creating a new instance for users to flee to, but now it doesn't seem like that's necessary? But I'm hearing it still may be?

If there's a whole new mod team, I don't see why eightpoint needs to die, that's as much re-invention and self-correction as anyone can ask of anyone in the fediverse, it seems to me.


Last updated 2 years ago

Stephanie Melnick · @AutieScot
267 followers · 149 posts · Server

I am unsure what happened with (I believe someone known to be problematic is rumoured to be an ex-mod??) but the idea of encouraging people to block/dismiss transfeminine people seems familiar and dodgy.

I'm not saying the campaign targeting eight point is definitely but what I am saying is that I think we need to be super careful where such allegations & urges to defederate come from.

#transphobic #eightpoint

Last updated 2 years ago

Hrefna (DHC) · @hrefna
292 followers · 774 posts · Server

I swear this entire incident with is making me want to turn my toy project into a reality. It's a massive amount of work to do that, but… it is so so needed.

We need tools that are safe by design and that help prevent this sort of campaign from working in the first place. The current fediverse just isn't there for preventing that attack mode and to the extent we don't see it here it is because of history and a few structural elements, not because it's impossible.

#eightpoint #activitypub

Last updated 2 years ago

Bryn 🜏☭ :heart_cyber: · @d1pl0mat
227 followers · 191 posts · Server

Yeesh, was going to be one of my other go-to instances if didn't work out. Hearing that they're likely shielding an abuser is as much a dealbreaker for me as it is for most of you.

Guess I'll see y'all on Kolektiva or wherever else you jump to


Last updated 2 years ago

Olivia Werth 🏳️‍⚧️ · @Oliviawerth
225 followers · 1005 posts · Server

Being trans in this world too often feels like being in a war, constantly struggling to survive in a world that is hostile to us. has been like what I imagine shore leave to be, a place for all of us to step away from the war & relax, to just let ourselves live for a while before going back to the fight. And though I have only been here for a couple of weeks, the people who make up this instance have already made my life so much better than it ever was before. So thank you to all of you who are in this fight with me, & I hope you can all find your safety as well 💜​


Last updated 2 years ago

Winter Nicole · @WinterNicole
17 followers · 7 posts · Server

Is down?


Last updated 2 years ago

the drama about the situation is so confusing I have no idea who to believe in summarizing the situation, I'm just upset that I can't follow people on there anymore :(


Last updated 2 years ago

HACKthePRISONS · @bigMouthCommie
208 followers · 1072 posts · Server

What the fuck kind of circle did I fall into, where I'm seeing this whole vs#Kolektiva thing??? Now there's defederation and whatnot. Do I need to move to a different server?! I like this place. I'm overwhelmed :emo:


Last updated 2 years ago

HACKthePRISONS · @bigMouthCommie
208 followers · 1073 posts · Server
Saint Baal-MAŠ · @corvusbrimstone
120 followers · 1030 posts · Server

I have been dealing with tweetlike drama-fuel pseudo-discourse on mastodon.

If you like to posit accusations without evidence,

Especially if those accusations align with things kiwifarms is saying,

Then you are either a dupe, a fraud, or a troll.

Keep that shit off my fedi. Go back to twit, you twits.

#eightpoint #Kollektiva #drama

Last updated 2 years ago