βall #Canadians five years old and up should get #immunized against #COVID19 with a full primary series .. a #PrimarySeries is #TwoDoses of a COVID-19 #vaccine, at a recommended interval of #EightWeeks apart.
#NACI states that β#children 6 months to under 5 years of age may be immunized with a primary series of an authorized mRNA vaccine.β
NACI further recommends a #BoosterDose six months after the last dose of a primary course for everyone aged five years old and up.β
#canadians #immunized #COVID19 #primaryseries #twodoses #Vaccine #eightweeks #naci #children #boosterdose
And I don't think they have to have some particular or prescriptive relationship. But I do find that one can be a tool for exploring the other. If you want to push a character, plot is a way to do that. If you want to push a plot around, character can be a way to do that. And that's fun.
#writingcommunity #writingcraft #eightweeks
I often work from voice to character--I feel the rhythms of someone's language before I know anything else about them.
And then I write about them to discover other things.
(I have exercises and strategies for getting deeper into them too--I use these when I teach and also whenever I get stuck.)
What's the first thing you usually know about a character? Or maybe what's the first thing gets you excited about them?
#WritingCommunity #WritingCraft #writing #AmWriting #AmWriting #EightWeeks
#writingcommunity #writingcraft #writing #amwriting #eightweeks
My 8 week revision class has started--ask me if I'm grateful for the incredible conversations I've had here about different writers' revision processes?
I am! Thanks for your wisdom, my people, and keep it coming!
#WritingCommunity #WritingCraft #Revision #AmWriting #AmEditing #EightWeeks
#writingcommunity #writingcraft #Revision #amwriting #amediting #eightweeks