Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Anne Hathaway Has Never Looked Better #Jezebel #thesundancefilmfestival #englishlanguagefilms #theprincessdiaries #thedevilwearsprada #lesmisc3a9rables #miathermopolis #creativeworks #lesmiserables #annehathaway #adamshulman #andreasachs #andysachs #hathaway #sundance #eileen #jacket #puffer #films
#jezebel #thesundancefilmfestival #englishlanguagefilms #theprincessdiaries #thedevilwearsprada #lesmisc3a9rables #miathermopolis #creativeworks #lesmiserables #annehathaway #adamshulman #andreasachs #andysachs #hathaway #sundance #eileen #jacket #puffer #films
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: ‘Eileen’ Is a Beguiling—and Less Disgusting—Adaptation of Ottessa Moshfegh's Novel #Jezebel #entertainment2cculture #televisioninscotland #thomasinmckenzie #ottessamoshfegh #americanwriters #williamoldroyd #annehathaway #lukegoebel #toddhaynes #rivercity #moshfegh #rebecca #eileen #novels
#jezebel #entertainment2cculture #televisioninscotland #thomasinmckenzie #ottessamoshfegh #americanwriters #williamoldroyd #annehathaway #lukegoebel #ToddHaynes #rivercity #moshfegh #rebecca #eileen #novels
Pink News: Anne Hathaway’s new sapphic thriller has got Carol written all over it #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #AnneHathaway #Culture #Eileen #Film
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #annehathaway #Culture #eileen #Film
Sundance 2023 #Review: Eileen – “Creates a haunting atmosphere that hangs in the air like the forest mist.” Read it here by Trevor Hogg
#Eileen #AnneHathaway #ThomasinMckenzie #Sundance #Sundance23 #Sundance2023 #SundanceFilmFestival
#review #eileen #annehathaway #thomasinmckenzie #sundance #sundance23 #sundance2023 #sundancefilmfestival
Read my ★★ review of #OttessaMoshfegh's #Eileen (book 1 of my completist run of her work this month), the answer to the question, "What if someone took the SNL 'Debbie Downer' sketch and rewrote it as a straightforward MFA drama?"