Here's a rock outcropping on the Jebel Hafeet in June, out beyond Al Ain, near the Omani border. Edmunds says the road up this mountain is one of the best driving roads in the world. I don't know what they're talking about, but then again I drove it in an underpowered little French hot hatch. Not quite #MonochromeMonday, but almost.
#PhotoMonday #FotoMontag #EinfarbigMontag #Photography #Fotografie #Rock #Geography
#monochromemonday #Photomonday #Fotomontag #einfarbigmontag #photography #fotografie #rock #geography
It's #MonochromeMonday so here's a pretend haunted house in Wolf Hollow, #Pennsylvania.
#EinfarbigMontag #Monochrome #Photography #Fotografie
#monochromemonday #pennsylvania #einfarbigmontag #monochrome #photography #fotografie
Here's a view from the #Chicago River, tinted blue for #BlueMonday, with the River City Apartments on the right, the historic post office coming up on the left, and the Willis Tower in the background. I was on one of those architecture boat tours.
#PhotoMonday #FotoMontag #MonochromeMonday #EinfarbigMontag #MondayMood #MontagStimmung #Photography #Fotografie
#chicago #BlueMonday #Photomonday #Fotomontag #monochromemonday #einfarbigmontag #mondaymood #montagstimmung #photography #fotografie
Please enjoy this filtered photo of an object from the Joe Shoong School, in #Locke, #California, the identification of which will have to come from someone else. I don't know what it is.
#PhotoMonday #MonochromeMonday #EinfarbigMontag #FotoMontag #Monochrome #Photography #Fotografie
#Locke #california #Photomonday #monochromemonday #einfarbigmontag #Fotomontag #monochrome #photography #fotografie
@viereck @didib here’s a starting list of weeklyGerman hashtags - I don’t speak German so they probably don’t make sense 🤣
Deutsch Wöchentlich Hashtags
#einfarbigMontag #FotoMontag #MontagMorgen #MontagStimmung #MusikMontag
#MusikDienstag #tätowierenDienstag#DichtStammDienstag
#MeerMittwoch #WasserfallMittwoch
#FensterFreitag #FotografieFreitas #PilzeFreitas
#LeiseSonntag #SitzbankSonntag #SonntagMorgen
#einfarbigmontag #Fotomontag #montagmorgen #montagstimmung #musikmontag #musikdienstag #tatowierendienstag #meermittwoch #wasserfallmittwoch #donnerstagschwingungen #fensterfreitag #fotografiefreitas #pilzefreitas #leisesonntag #sitzbanksonntag #sonntagmorgen