The weeks #Lego #FossilFriday is #Einiosaurus
Einiosaurus gets its name from the Blackfeet Indian 'eini' meaning buffalo, and sauros meaning lizard.
In the early 1980 Jack Horner has been prevented from working the Willow Creek "Egg mountain" site.
He had asked the local Blackfeet Indian Tribal Council for access to their lands, but been denied for some time. Then in 1985 he was granted access after a member witnessed the minimal damage done excavating a mosasaurid at Four Horns Lake.
#lego #fossilfriday #einiosaurus
Es gibt wieder einen neunen Dino Einiosaurus - mehr Infos unter #Einiosaurus #dinosaurier #dino #dinofakten #fossil #dinosaurs #paläontologie
#palaontologie #dinosaurs #fossil #dinofakten #dino #dinosaurier #einiosaurus