@Mabande Just to make a counterpoint to this absurdity, there are already 1000 Mozarts and 1000 Einsteins. It just that most people don't pay that close attention to the #ClassicalMusic scene, and not every great composer gets that much exposure. And it turns out #Einstein was right about so much all the brilliant folks who are a #physicist are busy proving Einstein correct and expanding on his work. Rather foolish to think there are not very smart people today.
#classicalmusic #einstein #physicist
TIL: #Batterien werden mit zunehmender Entladung tatsächlich leichter.
Ich bleibe trotzdem skeptisch. Man kann zwar laut #Einstein #Masse und #Energie ineinander umwandeln, das heißt aber noch lange nicht, dass dies in einer #Batterie auch passiert. Somit kann man aus einer vollen Batterie vermutlich mehr Masse gewinnen als aus einer leeren, aber das muss dafür ja auch erstmal jemand tun. 🤔
"Werden Batterien leichter, wenn sie leer sind?"
#Batterien #einstein #masse #energie #Batterie #physik
Mathematikerprobleme 🤪
#Einstein #Kachel
Complice #Oppenheimer tornano le #fakenews e le false attribuzioni di Albert #Einstein
#bombo #calabrone
#oppenheimer #fakenews #einstein #bombo #calabrone
I'm excited to co-host a workshop on #Einstein manifolds next month at the University of #Stuttgart, entitled "The Crazy World of Arthur L. Besse". Registration is still open until September 17.
Congratulations #EricAdams , you’re the biggest asshole to be Mayor of #NewYorkCity since Rudy ‘Remain at your desks’ #Giuliani. 👉 https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/adams-says-hochul-wrong-on-nyc-migrant-crisis-urges-real-leadership-to-push-asylum-seekers-across-state/ar-AA1fZ2F7
If you hate #migrants , I suggest you live in a different city, #Einstein. And maybe open a #history book for once in your life? 🤷🏻♂️
#ericadams #newyorkcity #giuliani #migrants #einstein #history
"Private capital tends to become concentrated in few hands, partly because of competition among the capitalists, and partly because technological development and the increasing division of labor encourage the formation of larger units of production at the expense of smaller ones. The result of these developments is an oligarchy of private capital the enormous power of which cannot be effectively checked even by a democratically organized political society." #Einstein #socialism
🎙️ ✨ A new episode has been published on @ITSPmagazine
Show: Stories From Space With Matthew S Williams
Episode: The Relativity Revolution: The Life and Times of Albert Einstein - Part II
Podcast format: Audio
#relativity #einstein #tech #Technology #stories
Thousands of Indians working in the US have been facing challenges from being stuck on long Green Card queues for many years. However, there were some lucky individuals who, till recently, were able to get their permanent residence status in the US through a fast track route – the EB-1 application - because of their top academic qualifications or exceptional talent.
#Einstein’s #Nobel-Winning #Experiment That Shocked the World : Medium
Researchers assemble the first complete sequence of a human #Y #Chromosome : NIH
Hopes that #MRI #Scans can screen men for #Prostate #Cancer : BBC
Check our latest #KnowledgeLinks
#knowledgelinks #cancer #prostate #Scans #mri #chromosome #y #experiment #nobel #einstein
De vroege Stoa (5): Logica https://sargasso.nl/de-vroege-stoa-5-logica/ #aristotelischelogica #grieksefilosofie #propositielogica #ZenonvanKition #determinisme #aristoteles #Herakleitos #Parmenides #VroegeStoa #Filosofie #NielsBohr #dualisme #Einstein #logica #Plato #stoa
#aristotelischelogica #grieksefilosofie #propositielogica #zenonvankition #determinisme #aristoteles #herakleitos #parmenides #vroegestoa #filosofie #nielsbohr #dualisme #einstein #logica #plato #stoa
I thank you, Skye and your kind hooman assistants, for the attempted #edification.
I'll keep reading physics, but I don't think I'll make much progress on this sort of stuff. "I'm trying to think who the third person could be", indeed.
#edification #brainmelt #eddington #einstein #dirac
#Einstein vor Ablösung? Hinweis auf Zusammenbruch der #Relativitätstheorie?
Ein Astrophysiker hat angeblich Bedingungen gefunden, unter denen Albert Einsteins Vorhersagen nicht stimmen – die einer alternativen Theorie aber schon.
#astrophysik #MOND
#mond #Astrophysik #relativitatstheorie #einstein
Was reminded of this, still need to study the proof (link in article) 😂
Einstein tilings – the amazing “Hat” shape that never repeats!
#einstein #TheHat #einsteinhat
Ihr wisst, was es bedeutet, wenn #Einstein s #Relativitätstheorie nicht zwingend "erforderlich" ist?! 🤔
🚀 Der #Warpantrieb wird möglich! 🫵🏻
#warpantrieb #Relativitatstheorie #einstein