Ending the week trying to finish off a paper I've been writing for the last month. I'm a slow writer and I always find myself taking more time to finish writing tasks than what I originally plan for.
What are some writing tips people have? 📝
I'm trying to get better at writing at a faster pace compared to my current snails pace 🐌
And while I struggle through this paper, Einstein is happily sleeping away his Friday
#EinsteinSleeping #catsfomastodon
#einsteinsleeping #catsfomastodon
Got up early to get a head start on some writing and was distracted by the sound of Einstein snoring....yes, he genuinely snores
#EinsteinSleeping #catsfomastodon
#einsteinsleeping #catsfomastodon
Got home from #DHSS2022 to find #EinsteinSleeping in my office. Having woken up at 4am to catch my flight, I'm pretty envious of this guy right now.
This month has been full of travel, conferences and presentations. While I'm immensely grateful for my job, I do get home sick at times. Photos of #EinsteinSleeping make me slightly less home sick.
I'm still figuring out how to use this platform and what content I want to share. While I figure this all out I'll continue to share photos of #EinsteinSleeping