Battleship Potemkin!
"Battleship Potemkin" (1925) is a silent film directed by Sergei Eisenstein. It illustrates a 1905 mutiny by sailors on the Russian battleship Potemkin. The revolt becomes a symbol of proletarian uprising against the Tsarist regime, leading to the infamous Odessa Steps Massacre. A monumental work, it showcases Eisenstein's innovative montage techniques.
#ai #midjourney #movies #russia #odessa #eisenstein
Il 4 aprile 1242 la battaglia sul ghiacciato lago Peipus, riprodotta da Ėjzenštejn in Aleksandr Nevskij 🇷🇺.
#4aprile #accaddeoggi #AleksandrNevskij #eisenstein #ProspettivaNevski #cinema #film #movie #moviescenes #filmphotography #filmcommunity #filmphoto
#4aprile #accaddeoggi #aleksandrnevskij #eisenstein #prospettivanevski #cinema #film #movie #moviescenes #filmphotography #filmcommunity #filmphoto
Heute vor 75 Jahren starb Sergei Michailowitsch #Eisenstein, einer der bedeutendsten Regisseure und Theoretiker des sowjetischen Films.
#eisenstein #andiesemtag #filmgeschichte
L'11 febbraio del 1948 moriva uno dei più grandi cineasti di sempre Sergej Michajlovič Ėjzenštejn.
#11febbraio #accaddeoggi #eisenstein #cinema #russia #CancelCulture #movie #moviescenes #filmphotography #filmcommunity #filmphoto
#11Febbraio #accaddeoggi #eisenstein #cinema #russia #cancelculture #movie #moviescenes #filmphotography #filmcommunity #filmphoto
What might have been: Samuel Beckett writes to Sergei Eisenstein (March 1936) #Beckett #Eisenstein #film
1929 cinema poster for Battleship Potemkin directed by Sergei Eisenstein, born #OTD in 1898 #Eisenstein #BattleshipPotemkin #film #poster
#otd #eisenstein #battleshippotemkin #film #poster
Ich war ein schlimmes Kind...
Sergej #Eisenstein *10.1.jul./22.1.1898 Riga – 11.2.1948 Moskau
Ich habe keine einzige auseinander genommene Uhr, gequälte Fliege & böswillig zertrümmerte Vase auf dem Gewissen; wahrscheinlich musste ich eben deshalb gerade Filmregisseur werden.
125 years of #Eisenstein.
#eisenstein #movie #cinema #director #otd #birthday #quevivamexico
"Climate:A New Story," Charles Eisenstein - Out with the Story of Separation, in with the Story of Interbeing.
#climate #newstory #eisenstein #love #exploitation
Coupe 'metric montage'....
Riga, 23 januari 1898 – Moskou, 11 februari 1948
#sergeieisenstein #russiandirector #cinema #eisenstein #hairdo #film
#film #hairdo #eisenstein #cinema #russiandirector #sergeieisenstein
Absolut empfehlenswert: Riga und seine Jugendstilbauten
#Lettland #Riga #Jugendstil #Architekt #Eisenstein #Lettisch
#lettland #riga #jugendstil #architekt #eisenstein #lettisch
Some consolation for #Belgium today: ‘Jeanne Dielman’ (1975) was voted greatest film ever. I do appreciate #Akerman and her lasting impact but beating predecessors #Hitchcock #Welles #Eisenstein as director of ‘The Greatest Film Ever Made’ in the #SightandSound poll, I have to let that sink in slowly…
#belgium #akerman #hitchcock #welles #eisenstein #sightandsound
Words to live by. #Eisenstein, #BattleshipPotemkin
#BattleshipPotemkin #eisenstein
We are very happy to welcome Sara Akhlaq & Arran Ridley into our team at They just joined the #mediacollisions project on visualizing the life and legacy of Sergei #Eisenstein in collaboration with Babelsberg and!
De Kroning
De Amerikaan Charles Eisenstein (1967) schreef een essay 'the coronation'. Eisenstein werd vooral bekend door zijn boek 'Sacred Economics'. Ik heb 'the coronation' vertaald in het Nederlands omdat er heel veel waardevolle gedachten in zijn verwoord. Dat ik het ook op een aantal punten niet eens ben met Eisenstein heeft mij niet belet om dit belangrijk
#Artikelen #Coronationvertaling #Eisenstein #vijandschapofintegratie
#Artikelen #Coronationvertaling #eisenstein #vijandschapofintegratie
De Kroning
De Amerikaan Charles Eisenstein (1967) schreef een essay 'the coronation'. Eisenstein werd vooral bekend door zijn boek 'Sacred Economics'. Ik heb 'the coronation' vertaald in het Nederlands omdat er heel veel waardevolle gedachten in zijn verwoord. Dat ik het ook op een aantal punten niet eens ben met Eisenstein heeft mij niet belet om dit belangrijk
#Artikelen #Coronationvertaling #Eisenstein #vijandschapofintegratie
#Artikelen #Coronationvertaling #eisenstein #vijandschapofintegratie
To try and summarize a very nuanced and layered work in a few sentences:
#Covid-19 has broken the fever-dream of modern society, and in our lucid hour, we have a choice as to what kind of society we choose to restart. To go to the root of the word, this is Our Global #Coronation, and to mis-quote the last sentence of the essay, “No longer the vassals of fear, we can bring order to the kingdom and build an intentional society on the love already shining through the cracks of the [old] world.”
It's an interesting read, though I can’t say that I agree with all of it. As I’ve come to expect from #Eisenstein, it takes an approach to a common topic that is insightful and well-researched, but mostly just different.
In this particular case, I feel that parts of the essay put words to an undercurrent that I’ve felt for the past few weeks, a thrilling and dangerous tide that pulls just beneath my stomach.
I'd love to hear all y'all's thoughts on this, and if you've felt it too!
#ubi #generalstrike #coronavirus #eisenstein #Coronation #covid
📈📉 In May—when the curve has finally dropped—we'll start a research project in collaboration with on Sergei #Eisenstein at the montage of #datavis & #filmhistory 📽 🎬
Join us as creative coder/designer/researcher and apply by 31 March!
#mediacollisions #filmhistory #datavis #eisenstein