Flt: #EJA922 #NetJets #HOU-#DAL
First seen: 2023/05/22 11:48:11
Min Alt: 4400 ft MSL
Min Dist: 0.91 nm
Peak Audio: -64 dBFS
Loudness: 0 dB
#planefence #adsb - https://planefence.com
#acc707 #eja922 #netjets #hou #dal #planefence #adsb
#KOMA - #EJA922 (680A C750) NetJets @ 40000 ft and 39.7° frm hrzn, heading W @ 16:52:26 - https://globe.adsb.fi/?icao=ACC707 #WayTheHeckUpThere #adsb #AnyFlightTracker #rtmladsb #Bellevue Photo by:
#koma #eja922 #waytheheckupthere #adsb #anyflighttracker #rtmladsb #bellevue
#KBOS / #KPVD - #EJA922 680A C750 - NetJets - 15725 ft and 64.6° frm hrzn, heading W @ 13:15:44 - https://globe.adsb.lol/?icao=ACC707 #adsb #AnyFlightTracker #rtmladsb #Boston Photo by: Marco Dotti @ Planespotters.net
#kbos #kpvd #eja922 #adsb #anyflighttracker #rtmladsb #boston
#EJA922 Citation Latitude NetJets: 40000 ft and 48.8° frm hrzn, heading NW @ 13:30:15 - https://globe.adsb.lol/?icao=ACC707 #WayTheHeckUpThere #adsb #AnyFlightTracker #rtmladsb #Bellevue Photo by: Marco Dotti @ Planespotters.net
#eja922 #waytheheckupthere #adsb #anyflighttracker #rtmladsb #bellevue
BLEEP BLOOP: I just saw an aircraft with callsign #EJA922 (ICAO code #ACC707) flying at 290 kt at altitude 7200 feet MSL at coordinates 34.2823,-118.4646.
That plane was making good time.
BLEEP BLOOP: I just saw an aircraft with callsign #EJA922 (ICAO code #ACC707) flying at 276 kt at altitude 3950 feet MSL at coordinates 34.1647,-118.5880.
That plane was making good time.