ejabberd XMPP server
Serveur #XMPP avec contrôleur MQTT et service #SIP
ejabberd est un serveur d'applications XMPP, écrit principalement dans le langage de programmation Erlang. Il peut fonctionner sous plusieurs systèmes d'exploitation en particulier sous GNU/ #Linux. #ejabberd signifie Erlang Jabber Daemon (Jabber étant un ancien nom pour XMPP) : https://www.process-one.net/en/ejabberd/
ejabberd est un logiciel libre, distribué selon les termes de la licence publique générale GNU.
Any #XMPP operators or devs at #CCCamp23?
I started operating #ejabberd for my university's CS community almost 2 years ago.
Hit me up if you're interested in exchanging jabber admin experiences, strategies for introducing it in our communities, or wanna try making a little bot or putting up some bridge together.
#cccamp2023 #ejabberd #cccamp23 #xmpp
Вопрос к тем кто держит сервера. Как вы скармливаете сертификаты серверу?
В конфиге указываете напрямую путь до файла или линка /etc/letsencrypt/live/<ex.com>/cert.pm
У вас тоже ejabberd ругается на fullchain.pem и chain.pem?
Не нарвится последовательность сертификатов, нужно ручками местами поменять?
Какая последовательность в fullchain.pem от letsencrypt?
New blog post: Tech Adventures - Setting up ejabberd under Debian
I hope I won't have trouble connecting to other #xmpp servers using #letsencrypt, though. This message "unknown CA" is kinda troubling. #ejabberd
Oh, nvm. jabber.org uses LE as well and connecting to it works
Ugh. Seems I had to set ca_file.
I would've *assumed* the "system global" certificate trust list is used... (But there doesn't even seem to be a global certificate trust bundle?)
Okay. I need help.
#Ejabberd refuses my fullchain.pem generated by acme.sh with
"Invalid certificate in /var/lib/ejabberd/certs/fullchain.pem: at line 57: certificate is signed by unknown CA"
Line 57 contains the certificate for the server itself.
The lines above are the LE certs.
Why doesn't this work? Is it because acme.sh generates ECC certificates by default?
Main main problem is #ejabberd refuses my certificate as invalid (or rather, the fullchain.pem)
I *will* have trouble with #letsencrypt , though.
#ejabberd runs under the vhost "uvok.de" (which should be the certificate name), but this is already my webserver which is located on a *different* server.
No idea how to solve this...
für ios gibt es meines wissens keinen vergleichbaren client wie conversations.im
erst #ejabberd, dann #prosody und jetzt #matrix (synapse). ich bin absolut zufrieden. elements unter ios läuft für mich perfekt. #FluffyChat ist auch ok https://fluffychat.im/
#ejabberd #prosody #matrix #fluffychat
Soviel zu ejabberd
"CAPTCHA support requires a lot of libraries and increases the image size a lot, and who knows how many people really uses the CAPTCHA feature?"
Na ja...
@quinn64 There is a shared block-list service supported by #prosody #ejabberd #openfire https://xmppbl.org/ also make sure to enable mod_moderation to be able to retract messages. Join us at https://joinjabber.org for more ideas how to improve #XMPP #Jabber
#jabber #xmpp #openfire #ejabberd #prosody
@Hyolobrika @prav With some more changes in the code by ejabberd developers, retractions are working now. #xmpp #ejabberd #FreeSoftware
Deleting spam/vandalism in public #xmpp rooms have been an issue for a long time. While there was XEP 424, only some apps have support for it. It also needs support from server side and #prosody had support for it via a plugin, #ejabberd gained support only recently https://github.com/processone/ejabberd/issues/3730 since it is not yet included in any release and we consider message retraction a priority feature for @prav project, I built the ejabberd master snapshot debs for the impatient https://people.debian.org/~praveen/ejabberd/