wohooo #EJC2024 in Portugal and #EJC2025 in den Niederlanden:
#circus #Zirkus #artistic #Artistik #performingarts #DarstellendeKünste #Tanz #Theater #Musik #dasgutelebenfüralle #buenvivir #FitFürDieRevo #WofürEsSichLohnt #Zirkuspädagogik #convention #Jonglage #Akrobatik #AkroYoga #FlowArts #Luftakrobatik #Spielen #Clownerie #Einrad #Volleyclub #Combat #Firespace #Festival #OpenStage #ZeitgenössischerZirkus #ContemporaryCircus #Beziehungsweisen #Resonanz
#ejc2024 #ejc2025 #circus #zirkus #artistic #Artistik #performingarts #darstellendekunste #tanz #theater #musik #dasgutelebenfuralle #buenvivir #fitfurdierevo #wofuressichlohnt #zirkuspadagogik #convention #jonglage #akrobatik #AkroYoga #flowarts #Luftakrobatik #spielen #Clownerie #Einrad #volleyclub #combat #Firespace #festival #openstage #zeitgenossischerzirkus #ContemporaryCircus #Beziehungsweisen #resonanz
Is there anything else that would have been helpful to include here in terms of useful stuff to know during a #EuropeanJugglingConvention?
I am starting on making a template version for next year (yes, I have a long trip home).
A more detailed version was available for those working on Infopoint with additional instructions.
What do you think should go into the "before you arrive" to #EJC2024 section?
#EuropeanJugglingConvention #ejc2024 #EJC #ovar
Nachdem jetz alle von #flip #Mainz aus #Lublin abgereist sind hier noch ein paar letzte Eindrücke der fabelhaften Gala-Show der #EJC2023.
Hoffentlich sehen wir uns im nächsten Jahr (wieder) bei der #EJC2024 in Portugal.
#flip #mainz #lublin #EJC2023 #ejc2024 #jonglage #juggling #Akrobatik
My camera roll is full of found items post #EJC2023 as we close up the site and clean all the areas.
We are trying to return items to their rightful homes, so let me know if you need the the form link
It has been a joy to work at the #InfoPoint this week and to be the voice of the #BingBong announcements!
#EuropeanJugglingConvention 2023 is done - now to start preparing for #EJC2024 Ovar Portugal in 355 days
Saturday, 2024-07-27 to Sunday, 2024-08-04
#EJC2023 #infopoint #bingbong #EuropeanJugglingConvention #ejc2024