Excerpt from the Trump video played at rape trial. Here are his comments about a lady he sat next to on an airplane and groped and her lawyer....
“Believe me she would not be my first choice...you don’t know, she would not be my first choice,” Trump says of Leeds in the video, without referring to her by name.
"You wouldn’t be my first choice either to be honest,” Trump tells Kaplan, Carroll's attorney.
Trump is so subhuman. He treats women which such contempt.
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: George and Kellyanne Conway Are Getting a Divorce https://jezebel.com/george-and-kellyanne-conway-are-divorcing-1850188963 #Jezebel #donaldtrump2016presidentialcampaign #federalgovernmentoftheunitedstates #familyofdonaldtrump #kellyanneconway #bergdorfgoodman #ejeancarroll #georgeconway #donaldtrump #occupations #pollsters #conway #ivanka #ejean
#jezebel #donaldtrump2016presidentialcampaign #federalgovernmentoftheunitedstates #familyofdonaldtrump #kellyanneconway #bergdorfgoodman #ejeancarroll #georgeconway #donaldtrump #occupations #pollsters #conway #ivanka #ejean