Asked if a decision to release #DeLima and rejoin the #ICC would boost the #Philippines' chances of continuing to enjoy the #EU trading incentives, Neumann said that would be “a strong sign in which direction the country wants to move." #HumanRights #EUTrade #FreeDeLima #EJK #DrugWar
EU chief #UrsulaVonDerLeyen visits Philippines after rough ties with ex-president (Duterte)
#ursulavonderleyen #drugwar #ejk #freedelima #EUtrade #humanrights #eu #philippines #icc #delima
"#LONDON, #England – The International Criminal Court (#ICC) on Tuesday, July 18, junked the appeal of the #Marcos government, essentially allowing the continuation of investigations into #DrugWar-related killings in the country and the alleged #deathsquad in #DavaoCity under the leadership of former president Rodrigo #Duterte." #Philippines #EJK
ICC junks PH gov't appeal, probe into killings under Duterte continues
#ejk #philippines #duterte #davaocity #deathsquad #drugwar #marcos #icc #england #london
According to David neglecting abused women and children, the poor and the homeless, and victims of extrajudicial killings (EJKs) is far worse.
"#MANILA, #Philippines – Bishop Pablo Virgilio David called on #Catholics to 'respond in a spiritually intelligent way,' and not to 'turn into a lynch mob,' after a Filipino drag queen was accused of #blasphemy over a viral video." #CatholicChurch
Neglecting #EJK victims is also blasphemy, says #CBCP president
#cbcp #ejk #catholicchurch #blasphemy #catholics #philippines #manila