Artenreiches Grasland, Pilzbiodiversität und Kohlenstoff im #Boden: Wir fördern 15 Schweizer Forschende im Rahmen von #Biodiversa+ und #EJPSoil. Sie erforschen den Schutz der #Biodiversität und die Bearbeitung landwirtschaftlicher Böden.
#boden #biodiversa #ejpsoil #biodiversitat
Species-rich grasslands, fungal biodiversity and carbon in #soil: we are funding 15 Swiss researchers as part of #Biodiversa+ and #EJPSoil. They are investigating #biodiversity protection and the cultivation of agricultural soils.
#soil #biodiversa #ejpsoil #biodiversity
Prairies diversifiées, biodiversité des champignons et carbone dans les #sols : le FNS soutient 15 scientifiques suisses dans le cadre de #Biodiversa+ et #EJPSoil. Leur thème : la protection de la #biodiversité et le travail des terres agricoles.
#sols #biodiversa #ejpsoil #biodiversite Our new #EJPSoil project SoilX investigates possibilties to mitigate precitation-related climate extremes through soil management improvements in European arable #farming systems
I am researcher at University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences #BOKU, and BIOS Science, Vienna Austria.
I am interested on climate-smart sustainable soil management effects on #soil biodiversity #soilcarbon #soil health #microplastics. I work in the #EJPSOIL project and am interested in within ecosystems (especially #soil) spatial and temporal dynamics and the relationship between #soil health #biodiversity and #soil management.
#introduction #boku #soil #soilcarbon #microplastics #ejpsoil #biodiversity