According to the count of the former editor in chief of the now defunct #Russian liberal #radio station #Ekho Moskvy (Echo of Moscow) #Russia 's full scale #invasion of #Ukraine is on for 500 days. Russia's main #opposition politician Alexey #Navalny has spent as of now 900 days in prison while US journalist Evan #Gershkovich has been jailed 100 days ago
#russian #radio #ekho #russia #invasion #ukraine #opposition #Navalny #gershkovich
For #Russia watchers/nerds: in case you used to listen to #ekho moskvy (Echo of Moscow) #radio - (it was Russia's first independent radio as far as i can recall then bought up by Gazprom, kept to showcase media diversity, walking a tightrope for ys then killed off last year) there is an app for it now w its journos working in exile - here you go: iOSэхо-onl…
Android… (v echofm_online on twi)