Beneficios de entrenar músculos respiratorios (inspiratorios y espiratorios) en pacientes con #ELA #ALS
Entre otras cosas, retrasan el inicio de ventilación mecánica invasiva hasta por 12 meses
#IMV #MechanicalVentilation
#ela #als #imv #mechanicalventilation
one thing I love about my job #teaching #ELA to #MiddleSchool students is telling them the truth about certain things they've been taught.
like, how there are fewer clear distinctions between "fiction" and "nonfiction" than they are taught, and how "metaphors" and "similes" are not exactly different things.
if I'm anything, it's precise about language :) it's sorta my #SpecialInterest you could say.
#teacherlife #ActuallyAutistic #specialinterest #middleschool #ela #teaching
so what's about to happen is that I'm going to begin a Unit Plan this week that isn't supposed to be taught until the end of the year. but this way fits better with my approach to writing and I can use more material from last year if I just roll the same way (our curriculum dept made an arbitrary change to the pacing guide).
hopefully I won't have to ask for forgiveness until I'm too far in to turn around, because I sure as shit aint asking for permission
Yolanda Fernández Herreras, que luchaba contra la ELA desde hace 20 meses ha fallecido este viernes despues de aplicarsele la eutanasia. Recibia 38 euros al mes en ayudas. Mucha Jenni, mucha mierda de manifestaciones de Charos amargadas,,. #ELA
Personas con #ELA parten hoy de O Cebreiro para exigir "un camino de Santiago accesible e inclusivo"
My #teaching "Why" has been with me since I was a teenager, even though I didnt even think of becoming a teacher until I was pretty old
#MyWhy is to make kids feel seen & like they belong. To feel like their opinions matter. My #ELA approach is to teach kids how to understand others & how to be understood in creative & effective ways
but it's always been about connection. I felt disconnected as a kid, unseen, & like I didnt matter. I want to be who I didnt have
#teacherlife #ActuallyAutistic #ela #mywhy #teaching
Our first week of #teaching #ELA went remarkably well.
This batch of 8th graders seems to lean more toward reading/writing than math/science, which is 1. unusual & 2. wonderful!
as usual, the year is beginning with many frustrations about the way our district admin is operating. I'm focused on doing my best and not letting other things throw me off
I've streamlined planning & prep, & this week I'll start looking at potential accommodations via
#teacherlife #ActuallyAutistic #ela #teaching
I’m thinking about building this years #ELA curriculum around the 50th anniversary of #HipHop.
I have the resources and unit plans for such a thing, which we could use as a foundation for the standards we need to develop this year. Kids would learn the history and the elements of the genre, which then directly lead into collaborative, creative, student-centered work.
Last school year, I found a way to streamline a lot of our work in my #ELA classroom. Unlike many years, I worked in a way that I can carry forward to the next year. It emphasizes student voice & choice. It hits big picture goals while personalizing each kid’s growth. It has minimum setup & grading, & it’s flexible enough to adapt to wide variety of content & classroom styles/vibes (which often change).
This year, I think I might simplify even more.
#boundaries #ActuallyAutistic #teacherlife #ela
One thing I’ll be doing this school year is documenting random moments to send to my mom, who is living with #PSP. She can’t communicate well verbally anymore but she appreciates keeping in touch 🤗❤️
I think I’ll also share some of this work with my students, as a way to model kindness and varied communication methods.
are you a middle or high school #ELA #teacher in need of weekly insights and resources for what to do in the classroom?
subscribe to my weekly We Are Teachers newsletter! scroll down to "Sean's Essentials for Teaching English 6-12"
there's newsletters for math, science, and younger grades as well! check it out :)
Aprobación de Albrioza en todo el planeta ya. Los pacientes de #ELA no pueden esperar. - ¡Firma la petición! a través de @change_es
#Personification just wants to help (more of my recent ramblings about #LiteraryDevices and #teaching them to #HighSchool #Students -
#personification #literarydevices #teaching #highschool #students #ela #education #edutooter
From Nov. '22; still relevant. Interesting questions/thoughts — "Twitter, #Mastodon and the #Fediverse: I Have Questions"
I saw it posted by @rabbinathan whose post discusses funding/economic issues ( Blog author @sogrady discusses more. [NB: Search challenges on Mastodon often bug me, but it was pretty easy to find O'Grady in the fediverse. He's got a fun blog, too, & mentions the #ALS Association — #MND #ELA #SLA — so 👍]
#mastodon #fediverse #ALS #mnd #ela #sla
Por un #Hospital de neurorreahabilitacion,lesionados medulares ,ictus,#ELA y parálisis en Tenerife . - ¡Firma la petición! a través de @change_es vía @change_es
RT #Hospital de neurorreahabilitacion,lesionados medulares ,ictus,#ELA y parálisis . - ¡Firma la petición! a través de @change_es
During my brief foray into the world of #ELA #education, I found it helpful to give my students a breakdown of some of the most common #metaphors and #similes which easily grow into #symbols and hint at #theme.
So, a few years later, I decided to write about it - because why not?
"Raining in the Dark Cave of My Winter Car (Part One)" -
"Raining in the Dark Cave of My Winter Car (Part Two)" -
#ela #education #metaphors #similes #symbols #theme #literarydevices #teacher #language #writing
Like A #Metaphor (Compared for the Very First Time...) -
#metaphor #ela #literarydevices #education #edutooter #teachers
What #irony IS and IS NOT -