#nsfw #request #art #elaina #female #alligator
Elaina Coker, moglie di J-Ax/ Il rapper: `Mi ha salvato dalla droga` #elaina #coker #moglie #j-ax/ #rapper #salvato #droga #8agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaWxzdXNzaWRpYXJpby5uZXQvbmV3cy9lbGFpbmEtY29rZXItbW9nbGllLWRpLWotYXgtaWwtcmFwcGVyLW1pLWhhLXNhbHZhdG8tZGFsbGEtZHJvZ2EvMjM4NDc1NS8=
#8agosto #droga #salvato #rapper #j #Moglie #coker #elaina
Finished watching the anime Wandering Witch: Journey of Elaina.
While there were some dark moments, the show is overall an enjoyable and heartwarming ride. The humor is sometimes cheesy, but doesn't annoy me, and is mostly just lighthearted fun.
Elaina, whatever the issues are with her demeanor, is a very likable character. She knows in her heart she's just a traveler, not a hero. It's part of her charm.
#elaina #majonotabitabi #wanderingwitch #anime