3CX Breach Was a Double Supply Chain Compromise https://krebsonsecurity.com/2023/04/3cx-breach-was-a-double-supply-chain-compromise/ #doublesupplychainbreach #Marc-EtienneM.Leveille #TradingTechnologies #Ne'er-Do-WellNews #ClearSkySecurity #ALittleSunshine #ElasticSecurity #LatestWarnings #TheComingStorm #ICONICSTEALER #DiamondSleet #KasperskyLab #PeterKalnai #supplychain #kimzetter #microsoft #Mandiant #X_Trader #zeroday #macOS #ESET #ZINC #3CX
#doublesupplychainbreach #marc #tradingtechnologies #ne #clearskysecurity #ALittleSunshine #elasticsecurity #LatestWarnings #TheComingStorm #iconicstealer #diamondsleet #kasperskylab #peterkalnai #supplychain #kimzetter #microsoft #mandiant #x_trader #zeroday #macos #eset #zinc #3cx
3CX Breach Was a Double Supply Chain Compromise - We learned some remarkable new details this week about the recent supply-chain att... https://krebsonsecurity.com/2023/04/3cx-breach-was-a-double-supply-chain-compromise/ #doublesupplychainbreach #marc-etiennem.leveille #tradingtechnologies #neer-do-wellnews #clearskysecurity #alittlesunshine #elasticsecurity #latestwarnings #thecomingstorm #iconicstealer #diamondsleet #kasperskylab #peterkalnai #supplychain #kimzetter #microsoft #mandiant
#mandiant #microsoft #kimzetter #supplychain #peterkalnai #kasperskylab #diamondsleet #iconicstealer #thecomingstorm #latestwarnings #elasticsecurity #alittlesunshine #clearskysecurity #neer #tradingtechnologies #marc #doublesupplychainbreach
My entry for the Elastic Advent Calendar 2022 is now available 🤩:
"How to build a cluster for Elastic Security: Best practices for creating and generating security data in Elastic Cloud"
Happy Holidays everyone! ❄️☃️😊
#infosec #elasticsecurity #elastic #cloud #elasticcloud #elasticadventcalendar
#infosec #elasticsecurity #elastic #cloud #elasticcloud #elasticadventcalendar
Yikes, just saw news about #layoffs at #elastic affecting #ElasticSecurity people 😢
❤️ to all and especially Endgame crew
#layoffs #elastic #elasticsecurity
Just added: YAML Config Snippet of JPCERT Lateral Movement Events to Monitor (Windows) https://hannahsuarez.github.io/2021/YAML_Lateral_Movement_Events_to_Monitor/
#security #cybersecurity #infosec #elasticsecurity #blueteam
#security #cybersecurity #infosec #elasticsecurity #blueteam
YAML config based on the Palantir Windows Event Forwarding Guidance (can combine with a couple of YML configs, linked in that entry).
#security #cybersecurity #infosec #elasticsecurity #blueteam
#security #cybersecurity #infosec #elasticsecurity #blueteam
YAML configs for:
1. NSA Events to Monitor List https://hannahsuarez.github.io/2021/Winlogbeat_NSAEventstoMonitor/
2. Events from the Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 Security auditing and monitoring reference https://hannahsuarez.github.io/2021/Windows_10_Windows_Server_2016_Security_auditing_monitoring_reference/
3. Exploit protection events based on attack surface reduction events https://hannahsuarez.github.io/2021/ExploitProtectionEvents/
And, which Windows auditing events require failure and success logging?
I have a few more to share next week.
#security #cybersecurity #infosec #elasticsecurity #blueteam
#security #cybersecurity #infosec #elasticsecurity #blueteam