AAAS: "Another route to refrigeration." Really, refrigerators are fascinating in how they function, + in general space cooling [including of buildings] accounts for 20% of total global energy consumption. But currently this is accomplished with what is called a vapor compression cycle, using refrigerants which can escape + serve as potent greenhouse gases. "Zhou et al. now demonstrate an alternative to refrigerant-based cooling that uses a compression-based regenerative elastocaloric device that performs phase transformations during which latent heat is absorbed." Got that? To understand the concept, take an ordinary rubber band + stretch it out abruptly, then touch the middle to your lip. It should be warmer. Then relax it + again touch your lip, + this time it will be cooler than when you started. Trust me on this. Just don't let go of one end + smack yourself in the eye. Okay, getting technical again: "This tubular nickel–titanium device achieves a temperature difference between the hot and cold sides of 50 kelvin [degrees Celsisu] and a cooling power of more than 200 watts." The advantages are two-fold. No refrigerants dangerous for the climate. Much more energy efficient. This is a seriously huge idea, coming to a theater store near you sometime soon. #elastocaloric #cooling #climatechange
#elastocaloric #cooling #climatechange