@nycki96 Good morning,
I managed to reimage my ElBraille all by myself this passed Sunday & I had to reinstall #jaws last night on this Lenovo machine because it wasn't reading things it should have.
My #ElBraille didn't reinstall #jaws along with windows this time though. I had to install jaws manually myself, but once I did, all is well.
My reason for needing to reimage, was that I tried to upgrade from #Windows11 Home to pro but it didn't activate properly.
Good evening,
I'm in a bit of a perdicament.
I was using Firefox as my main browser for a while.
It became so sluggish on my #ElBraille that I've now switched to Edge.
However, in Firefox, I have a Work folder but I cannot locate it in Edge.
I've tried exporting my data several times to no avail.
I've also tried to copy & paste just that single item but that failed as well.
I made a 2nd folder & need to merge it.
Any sugestions on how to fix this?
I need access to this particular folder.
@hartgenconsult Ok, I ask because I’m having a difficult time managing my favorites, using my #elBraille.
Do you have any suggestions on how best to go about that?
The area I’m struggling with the most is trying to move them between folders & delete the ones I not longer need.
@brianhartgen I'd like to use this program on my #ElBraille, but currently, cannot, due to the issues you mentioned. I wrote a message to @LibreOffice, here on Mastodon, the other day & much to my surprise, they responded & said that they knew about it & were trying to come up with a fix. Perhaps, I'll try it on my #Lenovo machine which is where I'm typing this message from. Happy Friday to all!
My #ElBraille has been upgraded to Windows 11. I should have it back early next week.
I still haven't heard anything from the assistive technology supplier who is upgrading my #ElBraille from Windows 10 to Windows 11. They have had the device for more than a week now.