𝙋𝙧𝙚𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙖 𝙚𝙡 𝙗𝙖𝙟𝙤.!! 𖤍♬ 🔊🔊
#Skrillex #TheGame #TheGameAndSkrillex #ElChapo #BassNoise #Latino
#skrillex #thegame #thegameandskrillex #elchapo #bassnoise #latino
Ecuador arrests 6 Columbians in assassination of presidential candidate https://politicaliq.com/2023/08/11/ecuador-arrests-6-columbians-in-assassination-of-presidential-candidate/ #Columbians #Ecuador #Quito #assassination #Villavicencio #drugs #Cartel #ElChapo #Sinaloa #politicaliq #news #politics
#columbians #ecuador #quito #assassination #villavicencio #drugs #cartel #elchapo #sinaloa #politicaliq #News #politics
The #indictments announced Fri in NY are part of a strategy by the #DEA to attack the scourge of #fentanyl at every stage of the supply chain. The buyers of the chemicals were largely organizations like the #SinaloaCartel, formerly run by the Mexican drug lord known as #ElChapo, which the #DOJ says is largely responsible for the influx of fentanyl into the US.
#indictments #dea #fentanyl #sinaloacartel #elchapo #doj #merrickgarland #justice
The DEA and FBI face questions about whether they tolerated high-level Mexican corruption as US tax dollars flowed to fight the drug war.
#News #worldnews #ElChapo #GenaroGarciaLuna #Politics #mexico
#News #worldnews #elchapo #genarogarcialuna #politics #mexico
Genaro García Luna's conviction for taking millions in cartel bribes while working closely with the DEA revealed the epic futility of the drug war.
#GenaroGarciaLuna #ElChapo #SinaloaCartel #dea #Mexicandrugcartels #News #worldnews
#genarogarcialuna #elchapo #sinaloacartel #dea #mexicandrugcartels #News #worldnews
@DaemonFC The #WarOnDrugs is not winnable as too many folks think the risk is worth it due to the reward. The #UnitedStates 🇺🇸 does take down cartels (remember #ElChapo‽), but a day later they are replaced by rivals.
I believe the best option is to legalize & regulate ALL drugs, & allow people to get their “fix” without breaking the law or their bank account.
Dangerous drugs would require strict medical supervision. FWIW I am straight edge (I avoid recreational drugs like the plague 😂).
#warondrugs #unitedstates #elchapo
U.S. prosecutors called nine former cartel leaders to testify against Genaro García Luna but offered no hard evidence that he accepted more than $200 million in bribes.
#News #Crime #CARTELS #worldnews #mexico #ElChapo
#News #crime #cartels #worldnews #mexico #elchapo
Bestechung von »El Chapo«: Ex-Minister Mexikos vor New Yorker Gericht #Bestechung #ElChapo #chiapas98 https://www.chiapas.eu/news.php?id=11876
#bestechung #elchapo #chiapas98
Tonight I'm smoking more of the El Chapo.
Its real good 😎
#weed #pot #stoner #smoking #marijuana #420michigan #420life #ElChapo #drugs
#weed #pot #stoner #smoking #marijuana #420michigan #420life #elchapo #drugs
Testimony in the Brooklyn trial of a top-ranking Mexican law enforcement official painted a vivid picture of how vast amounts of drug money buys protection.
#News #Crime #mexico #CARTELS #Drugs #ElChapo
#News #crime #mexico #cartels #drugs #elchapo
Trial of Mexico's top cop accused of helping El Chapo begins
#mexicodrugs #GenaroGarciaLuna #drugs #mexico #elchapo
Another strain we got recently:
El Chapo
THC: 28.6 MG
Here's a leafly link to the strain:
Has a real strong gassy yet sweet flavor.
Strongly recommend.
#weed #stoner #pothead #420life #420michigan #ElChapo #leaf #bud #cannabis #pot #flower
#weed #stoner #pothead #420life #420michigan #elchapo #leaf #bud #cannabis #pot #flower
This is how #CartelDeSinaloa responded after the new #Culiacanazo where #OvidioGuzmán alias #ElRaton , son of #ElChapo was arrested, armed attacks and burning of vehicles and blockades were reported
#elchapo #ElRaton #OvidioGuzmán #Culiacanazo #CartelDeSinaloa #mexico
The U.S. wants Ovidio Guzmán-López, but sources say his extradition will likely be painfully slow and plagued by corruption.
#News #ElChapo #mexico #CARTELS #Drugs #OvidioGuzmánLópez #worldnews
#News #elchapo #mexico #cartels #drugs #ovidioguzmanlopez #worldnews
Mexico levert zoon 'El Chapo' nog niet uit aan VS, 29 doden na geweldsuitbarsting
#Mexico #ElChapo #Geweldsuitbarsting
#geweldsuitbarsting #elchapo #mexico
This whole thing reads like a Robert Rodriguez movie. Unbelievable.
From CNN: Extradition of #ElChapo son to the US halted after 29 killed in arrest operation Extradition of 'El Chapo' son to the US halted after 29 killed in arrest operation
Opération antidrogue au Mexique : l'arrestation du fils du baron « El Chapo » tourne au bain de sang. Ottawa déconseille les voyages dans plusieurs régions du pays. Le reportage de Jean-Michel Leprince au #TJ22h https://rc.ca/SgVSpY #Mexique #Elchapo