Hi! My name is Kosmos and I'm an Upcoming #PNGtuber and #TwitchStreamer!
I enjoy #videogames, #ttrpgs, and #writing
A few of my favorite games are #KingdomHearts, #NierAutomata, and #EldinRing
I'm relatively new to #ttrpgs but I have experience with #DnD and #pathfinder2e and am currently learning #FabulaUltima
My favorite genres in general are #fantasy and #sciencefantasy
I hope we get along and I'm excited to meet you all!
#introduction #pngtuber #twitchstreamer #videogames #ttrpgs #writing #kingdomhearts #nierautomata #eldinring #dnd #pathfinder2e #fabulaultima #fantasy #sciencefantasy
Just gotta pillage Redmane castle and I'm done with Caelid, thank God. Scarlet Rot be damned.
#EldinRing #playstation #ps5 #gaming #videogames #fromsoftware
#eldinring #playstation #ps5 #gaming #videogames #fromsoftware