Isif Alclair preparedness tip:
Train as if you're in command. You never know when you might be.
#eldraeverse #tips #preparedness
Releq Claves-ith-Lelad military tip:
Never forget that the garden does not exist for the wall.
Cordelia Vintar-ith-Vidutar exploration tip:
Death is not the next great adventure, nor is it an undiscovered country. Rather, it is the end to all possibility of adventures and discoveries.
Don't go in without backup. Or until you've made a backup.
#eldraeverse #tips #exploration
Kynthia Andracanth conflict tip:
Weep for he whose nemesis is incompetent.
Octíëve Surnedal documentation tip:
Write it, or you're going to the special hell.
#eldraeverse #tips #documentation
Azuma Morotai family tip:
Devotion does not come from blood, but from the heart.
Esseldár progress tip:
The old ways are best, except when the new way is better.
Cordelia Vintar-ith-Vidutar exploration tip:
When you detect a new civilization, call down and introduce yourself. No-one likes a creeper.
#eldraeverse #tips #exploration
Olbria Amanyr coping tip:
Be thankful for the infinitude of the universe, for only thus are my people's ambitions contained.
Olbria Amanyr character tip:
Noble blood is born from ancestry; noble souls are born from right action.
Arlannath philosophy tip:
Seeking the truth is a simple matter compared to accepting it, once found.
#eldraeverse #tips #philosophy
Alwyn Muetry theology tip:
Seek not answers from the gods; ask them only for the right questions.
Orimúr Falsazik engineering tip:
If a solution's side-effects make things worse, it never was a solution.
#eldraeverse #tips #engineering
Alphas Amanyr career tip:
Pride is not a weakness. Ambition is not a failing. The stars are yours if you have but the will to grasp them.
Marú Liuvis temporal mechanics tip:
Time travel can't solve any problem that it hasn't already solved.
#eldraeverse #tips #temporal mechanics
Valentia Amanyr ethics tip:
None may perform by another an act which he may not perform himself.
Galatia Allatrian Darkest Night tip:
A gift is an appreciation of the recipient's worth. Appraise your people highly today.
#eldraeverse #tips #Darkest Night