Jeff Bridges oli mun ikäinen The Big Lebowskissa. Tuli heti parempi mieli.
#thebiglebowski #thedude #dude #elduderino
#elduderino #dude #thedude #thebiglebowski
Whelp, I’m done working for the day…time to wrap myself up in something comforting. #TheBigLebowski #BigLebowski #TheDude #ElDuderino #Dude #JefferyLebowski #JeffBridges
#thebiglebowski #biglebowski #thedude #elduderino #dude #jefferylebowski #jeffbridges
I've hosted a Big Lebowski night at the local movie theater for about five years now. I always do an art piece for the show. I added The Dude to this peaceful thrifted painting. It feels very Dude to me.
#dude #thedude #thedudester #elduderino #thebiglebowski #coenbrothers #walter #lebowski #churchoflebowski #dudistpreist
#art #artist #repainting #repurpose #thrifted #thriftedart #vintageart #recycled #waltersobchak #donnie #veryundude #biglebowski #daveruinsart #painting #paintingart #artsy
#dude #thedude #thedudester #elduderino #thebiglebowski #coenbrothers #walter #lebowski #churchoflebowski #dudistpreist #art #artist #repainting #repurpose #thrifted #thriftedart #vintageart #recycled #waltersobchak #donnie #veryundude #biglebowski #daveruinsart #painting #paintingart #artsy