B.Scantlebury · @B__50000_
215 followers · 36 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

Blimey, Eleanor Williams, the person who gave Tommy Robinson an excuse for one of his grifting campaigns, has been found guilty of perverting the course of justice. Who’d have thought it! They do like to lie, though, these stinky fash rsoles.

#eleanorwilliams #TommyRobinson #stinkyfash

Last updated 2 years ago

Eyoki · @wiletha
31 followers · 297 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

This story is a reminder of why it is both unwise and wrong to assume that any accusation is true, simply because it fits a template or because of tribal loyalty. But also that false sexual assault cases are small in number compared to the overall number of sexual assault cases (presumably not all the 46 perversion of justice cases involved sexual assault, but even if they did that would only be 4% of 1,177 or 1 in 25). bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cumb

#Sexualassault #rape #eleanorwilliams

Last updated 2 years ago