I was a bit worried that the rotary encoders would constantly get pressed when the bag’s inside my backpack, so I rearranged the contents and strategically placed the backup battery as a center support 😅
It’s a bit tight but it works and you can almost not tell from the outside 😆
#HamRadio #ElecraftKX2
With improving weather conditions we hiked up to SOTA DM/SX-014 Lausche/Luž in #Lusatia right on the border from #Germany to the #CzechRepublic (POTA DA-0049 Zittauer Gebirge Nature Park, DLFF-0747 Lausche) and only had rain for about 20 minutes. Strong RFI on the mountaintop made it difficult to work #2m in #fm, but #70cm were nice.
#20m #cw #ssb #HamRadio #SummitsOnTheAir #sota #ParksOnTheAir #pota #dlff #wwff #elecraftkx2 #qrp
#lusatia #germany #czechrepublic #2m #fm #70cm #20m #cw #ssb #hamradio #summitsontheair #sota #parksontheair #pota #dlff #wwff #elecraftkx2 #qrp
Holiday #sota chaser mode engaged. (There may or may not be snoozing in the shade involved).
#SummitsOnTheAir #AmateurRadio #morsecode #elecraftkx2
#SOTA #SummitsOnTheAir #AmateurRadio #morsecode #elecraftkx2
Turns out the next accommodation on our Spain holiday also has a #sota summit a short hike away, what are the chances? ;-)
This time La Picota EA1/CT-101. #elecraftkx2 and #elecraftAX1 combo and #morsecode getting me a few contacts round Europe on 20M and 17M.
Hope to be back there again before our week is up.
#SummitsOnTheAir #amatuerRadio #hamradio
#SOTA #elecraftkx2 #elecraftax1 #morsecode #SummitsOnTheAir #amatuerradio #HamRadio
More holiday #sota #SummitsOnTheAir fun. This time La Viorna EA1/CT-063 in the #picosdeeuropa, straight from La Viorna campsite. Lovely weather, beautiful views and plenty of room at the top. 20M #morsecode got me quite a few contacts, including Carlos @IU1KGS . Two more on 10M, when I tried 40M didn’t even get spotted by the #reversebeaconnetwork ? First time out with #K6ARK EFRW which I built to band hop with #elecraftkx2, seemed to do well in poor propagation conditions.
#SOTA #SummitsOnTheAir #picosdeeuropa #morsecode #reversebeaconnetwork #k6ark #elecraftkx2
59 QSOs today on SOTA DM/BW-639 Hochgescheid (also POTA DA-0004 Südschwarzwald Nature Park). Almost no takers on 10 and 15 m, but big pileups on 20 and 40 m. I had to QRT a bit ahead of plan due to incoming minor rain. #SummitsOnTheAir #ParksOnTheAir #cw #sota #pota #qrp #elecraftkx2 #20m #40m
#summitsontheair #parksontheair #cw #sota #pota #qrp #elecraftkx2 #20m #40m
Just found out that today's SOTA activation of DM/SX-002 Auersberg also counts as POTA DA-0040 Erzgebirge Vogtland Nature Park. I will upload the log to both programs. Next time I'll check in advance and spot on both websites. #SummitsOnTheAir #ParksOnTheAir #elecraftkx2 #cw #ssb #HamRadio #20m #40m
#summitsontheair #parksontheair #elecraftkx2 #cw #ssb #hamradio #20m #40m
After-work-SOTA: Auersberg (DM/SX-002) with one of the most relaxing portable operating spots I‘ve had in more than 20 years of ham radio. #SummitsOnTheAir #elecraftkx2 #cw #ssb #HamRadio #20m #40m
#summitsontheair #elecraftkx2 #cw #ssb #hamradio #20m #40m
A quick POTA activation in Munich‘s Bavariapark DA-0287 while wainting for my train home. 20 m was OK, but absolutely no success on 40, 15 and 10 m. I can recommend the adjacent beer garden, of course. #ParksOnTheAir #cw #HamRadio #elecraftkx2
#parksontheair #cw #hamradio #elecraftkx2
Now I’m also done with the long awaited KXIBC2 Internal Battery Charger Kit. Smoke test went well. #elecraftkx2 #elecraft #HamRadio #qrp
#elecraftkx2 #elecraft #hamradio #qrp
Successfully installed KX2MDKTHS Harmonic Level Reduction Kit on my Elecraft KX2 serial number 00277. Now off to install the KXIBC2 Internal Battery Charger Kit. #elecraftkx2 #elecraft #HamRadio
#elecraftkx2 #elecraft #hamradio
27 QSOs today on SOTA DM/SX-044 Papststein. 24 °C, no wind: very nice day out in Saxony testing the new #SOTABEAMS tactical mini mast. #SummitsOnTheAir #sota #elecraftkx2 #cw #HamRadio
#sotabeams #summitsontheair #sota #elecraftkx2 #cw #hamradio
10M was working great when I activated May Hill G/WB-019 yesterday evening. 10W CW from the KX2 into an M1ECC SlideWinder DX got me a bakers dozen of US chasers. Definitely worth giving the higher bands a whirl at the mo!
#sota #solarcycle25 #slidewinderdx #elecraftkx2
#SOTA #solarcycle25 #slidewinderdx #elecraftkx2
Quick after work #SOTA activation of G/SC-003 Black Down. Easy 15 minute walk to a lovely spot sat on a log near the trig point watching the sun set. Couldn’t hear the people spotted on 10m, but it prompted me to give it a whirl. 20/30/40m trapped EFHW + KX2 tuner got me 5 US stations on the bounce! And no one else? 3 on 20 and 7 on 40 before it started getting dark.
#HamRadio #cw #elecraftkx2
#SOTA #HamRadio #cw #elecraftkx2
Another #SOTA activation from my San Diego trip a couple of weeks ago. W6/CC-039 Viejas Mountain delivered with great views and a 2 room summit shelter replete with rock table! #elecraftkx2 and #elecraftAX1 combo delivered a DX chase from F4WBN and a S2S with wG0AT, whose YouTube videos inspired me towards #CW SOTA!
#SOTA #elecraftkx2 #elecraftax1 #cw
I took my #ElecraftKX2 out today for my very first #POTA #hamradio activation! Mason Neck State Park (K-1308) provided a nice bench overlooking the Occoquan Bay. I brought a 20m EFHW and arborist throw line and a 18 ft Chameleon MPAS 2.0 vertical with a single 33ft counterpoise. I went with the vertical. Today I learned what happens with FT8 when your clock is off by a couple of seconds. XYL was ready for lunch, so I kept it short. A big thanks to those responding to my CQ.
Thanks to Thomas (@qrper) for letting me know about this #hamradio community. I'm interested in #qrp and #pota. I typically work #ft8 off the back porch using an #ElecraftKX2 with a 20m EFHW that I pieced together using 26 gauge wire and a Spark Plug antenna transformer (sparkpluggear.com). Tomorrow, I'm running up a ~29 ft "random" wire so that I can play around on other bands. Any antenna recommendations would be appreciated. Hope to see you on the air.
#elecraftkx2 #ft8 #pota #qrp #hamradio
What low-cost pocket #HF rig would folks recommend to a new ham with a general license for #SSB & #CW on #SOTA/#POTA? I was looking at #(tr)uSDX / #truSDX as an option but some folks say, that while it is delightful rig, it might be rather frustrating for a new ham. Would love an #elecraftkx2 but it will take quite a while for me to save up for one. I plan on portable #EFHW or dipole variations for antennas. #HamRadio
#HF #ssb #cw #SOTA #truSDX #elecraftkx2 #efhw #HamRadio