As a #cyclist, on the subject of electric bikes, I'm ambivalent - definitely a cleaner alternative to cars for moderate commutes, maybe a bit of a cheat when it comes to fitness but, if they get people out and a about, great. And cleaner than cars too #electicbikes #ClimateChange
#ClimateChange #electicbikes #cyclist
I recently took back to cycling after not doing it since I was a child - it's practical for me as I live in a rural area and can't drive. Today a wise friend used the term "returning cyclist" and it felt like such a useful phrase. So many people like me rode as children, and might be able to access the joy I feel on my bike if they realised "I did this fine as a child" #Ebike #cycling #bikes #electicbikes #newbike
#ebike #cycling #bikes #electicbikes #newbike