Information Warfare Was Key to #Prigozhin's Mutiny Against Putin
The #Wagner boss oversees an online army that has pushed disinformation around the globe, including alleged interference in the #election2016.
#Prigozhin #Wagner #election2016
Heads up!
Musk has been doing an excellent job stirring up political discourse on #Twitter with his dissentious shenanigans. All that dialogue data is exactly the kind needed if one wanted to manipulate voters in real time based on sentiment analysis. This could be an AI designed to do what #CambridgeAnalytica did on #Facebook during the run up to #Election2016. #Musk #TwitterAI
#twitter #cambridgeanalytica #facebook #election2016 #musk #twitterai
Trump Supporter Found Guilty, Faces Ten Years In Prison For 2016 Anti-Hillary Meme: Douglass Mackey tweeted a photo of what looked like a Hillary ad, but was actually a parody: The caption read: “Avoid the line. Vote from home. Text ‘Hillary’ to 59925. Vote for Hillary and be a part of history.” DOJ did not provide any evidence that anyone was deceived by the meme.
At least one Dem memester did exactly the same thing, and was never arrested or tried and faces no prison time. On election day, Kristina Wong tweeted the caption: “Hey Trump Supporters! Skip poll lines at #Election2016 and TEXT in your vote! Text votes are legit. Or vote tomorrow on Super Wednesday!”
Wong was never prosecuted. Yet she did exactly the same thing Douglass Mackey did. She just had the good sense to do it against Trump, rather than against Hillary", writes Robert Spencer on PJ Media.
Let me ask this again:
You voted for Trump because you “couldn’t trust that woman,” Hillary Clinton?
Let me say this again:
Fuck. You.
#DonaldTrump #HillaryClinton #Election2016 #MAGA #GOP
#CitizenHillaryCriminalTrump #misogyny
#misogyny #citizenhillarycriminaltrump #gop #MAGA #election2016 #hillaryclinton #DonaldTrump
Review this. Quiz Friday, including two essay questions.
#trump #elections #biglie #aggression #stateofdemocracy #racism #Jan6 #election2016
👉 Left: Airborne, Cruise Control.
👉 Right: Grounded, Cruz Controlled.*
* by Donald Trump
#TomCruise #TopGunMaverick #TedCruz #Election2016 #Trump
#Trump #election2016 #tedcruz #TopGunMaverick #TomCruise
Maybe, once again, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie will show how fit he is to lead, by whom he indiscriminately serves and follows.
The former governor’s so lacking in confidence that I’m inclined to pen a spec sitcom about him: The Jersey Unsure! But seriously, folks…
Thank you. Thank you very much. I’ll be playing this venue all weekend. Please come back. Bring the spouse, the kids, grandma. Hell, bring the Pomeranian too.
#ChrisChristie #DonaldTrump #Election2016 #Election2024
#election2024 #election2016 #DonaldTrump #chrischristie
This man has announced another run for president, so that he can take an oath he has no intention of honoring, reclaim his formerly held seat of power and influence, and attempt to overthrow our government again. There are tens of millions of who will vote for him again. There’s a technical term for these people: incorrigible, ignorant, myopic, hateful, sociopathic, anti-democratic asshoIes.
#Trump #MAGA #Election2016 #Deplorables
#deplorables #election2016 #MAGA #Trump
Donald #Trump's 2016 campaign will void hundreds of non-disclosure agreements as part of a settlement in a lawsuit brought by a former campaign aide.
As part of the settlement, the campaign will pay $450,000, with $25,000 going directly to #JessicaDenson, who alleged the campaign tried to shut her up when she went public with allegations of abusive treatment by another campaign member.
#NDA #NonDisclosureAgreement #Election2016
#trump #jessicadenson #nda #nondisclosureagreement #election2016
RT @ZoeTillman
NEW: Trump's 2016 campaign agreed to pay $450,000 to settle a long-running legal fight with ex-staffer Jessica Denson over NDAs signed by staffers, volunteers, and contractors. The campaign wanted to keep the amount confidential; the judge said no.
An insightful #LongForm (midform) article on Charles McGonigal the #FBI agent who headed up #CounterIntelligence at the time of the #election2016 #HillaryClinton email scandal, who was recently arrested for being a #RussianSpy (big surprise!).
The story is built around interviews of EX-GF Allison Guerriero, and members of her family, who'd met McGonigal, to get the behind the scenes story.
#longform #fbi #counterintelligence #election2016 #hillaryclinton #russianspy #charlesmcgonigal #russia
Trump, attorneys sanctioned over $937,000 for allegedly abusing court
District Court Judge Donald Middlebrooks ruled that they perpetrated a "continuing pattern of misuse of the courts" in order to "dishonestly advance a political narrative" in his lawsuit against #HillaryClinton.
Trump's suit baselessly accused Clinton, her campaign & other Democrats of working to paint a false narrative about Trump's alleged collusion with Russia in 2016.
#Election2016 #AbuseOfCourt
#hillaryclinton #election2016 #abuseofcourt
RT @SimpsonsQOTD: "We must move forward, not backward, upward, not forward; and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!" #Election2016
"We must move forward, not backward, upward, not forward; and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!" #Election2016
Political Consultant Convicted for Scheme Involving Illegal Foreign Campaign Contribution to 2016 Presidential Campaign
Reminder of a tweet that went a bit wild #ElectionDay
When the US election is over can we build a wall around Donald Trump.and get him to pay for it? #Election2016
So, I'm starting to wonder if the hypothesis in this article lead to #Election2016: The financial crisis caused young people to delay coupling up, having kids, & moving out to the suburbs. Honestly, makes sense to me for 2016, 2018, & hopefully 2020.
@ben_hr This is part of what I have been using on Tweetbot, to stay sane:
This was the 2016 election:
#insiders #auspol #4corners #abc730 #qt #lateline #logies #mkr #thevoiceau #theboltreport #gameofthrones #got #masterchef #ausvotes #election2016