I Voted, you should too if you're canadian, when you can :)
#election2019 is here. So here's a post of mine from 2017, that's as current as then.
Finally the #diarrhea causing grinning #gremlin #grimaces will vanish from the streets. The deceitfull #messages will stop being repeated everywhere. The #incompetent will be dragged from the streets and put to work in #government.
#election2019 #diarrhea #gremlin #grimaces #messages #incompetent #government
RT @cobleau@twitter.com
#BlocQC #Election2019 @yfblanchet@twitter.com 😉 Image: Fred Nolet
Quelqu'un aurait-il déjà les chiffres du plus grand parti de Belgique, les non-votants/abstentionnistes/nuls ??? #Election2019 #elections2019 @RTBFinfo @rtltvi
豪政権は日米と連携堅持を: #日本経済新聞 https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGKKZO45025710Q9A520C1EA1000/
#Morrison, the #PrimeMinister in #Australia, won the #election .
This year has many election, Japan too.
But can Australia and Japan continue the good relationship?
#PM #Election2019 #ElectionResults #ElectionDay
#election #pm #election2019 #日本経済新聞 #australia #electionresults #electionday #morrison #primeminister
Finally ! What an outstanding success! #TheresaMay and her Party, still going very „strong and stable„ on #Brexit means Brexit getting paid at the #LocalElection2019.
#Election2019 #LocalElections2019 #LocalElection19
#theresamay #brexit #localelection2019 #election2019 #localelections2019 #localelection19