ALTERNATE DATE (in the event of any technical issues)

Set for noon on 19 April 2023


* The Kite aspect pattern connecting Saturn, the nodes and the Part of Fortune, which is now rising with Mars
* All planets are positively dignified
* Mars conjunct Arabic Part of Courage
* North node conjunct Part of Honourable Acquaintance
* Luminaries part of stellium in Aries, with Moon conjunct Jupiter
* Midheaven still in Aries

#starship #astrology #electionalastrology #spacex #kiteaspectpattern

Last updated 1 year ago

Chart for Starship Launch

Set for 17 April 2023 @noon local time.

Worth noting:

* Mars rising in Cancer
* Midheaven in Aries conjunct Neptune and the Moon in Pisces
* Mars sextile Mercury-Uranus conjunction in Taurus
* Saturn conjunct Fomalhaut, one of the Royal Stars of Persia, known as the Watcher of the South, and associated with Archangel Gabriel.
* Venus conjunct Aldebaran, one of the Royal Stars of Persia. Known as the Watcher of the East, it is associated with Archangel Michael
* Venus conjunct Part of Fortune
* Nodes in positive aspect to Saturn

* Sun approaching square to Pluto in Aquarius
* Moon & Neptune square the Galactic Centre
* Moon & Mars slightly detrimented

#Space #starship #fixedstars #astrology #electionalastrology #royalstarsofpersia #aldebaran #fomalhaut

Last updated 1 year ago