If you think #MugshotWeel has been a hoot, wait till #ArraignmentWeek, starting in about 2 weeks or so (week of September 5th)
#Trump #TrumpArrest #RICO #Georgia #FultonCounty #ElectionInterferance #Conspiracy #FakeElectors #ViolatiionOfOath
#mugshotweel #arraignmentweek #trump #trumparrest #rico #georgia #fultoncounty #electioninterferance #conspiracy #fakeelectors #violatiionofoath #p01135809
Here it is
Official #mugshot of #DonaldTrump
#Trump #TrumpArrest #RICO #Georgia #FultonCounty #ElectionInterferance #Conspiracy #FakeElectors #ViolatiionOfOath
#mugshot #donaldtrump #trump #trumparrest #rico #georgia #fultoncounty #electioninterferance #conspiracy #fakeelectors #violatiionofoath #p01135809
When he addressed someone positioned out of the camera's view, he supposedly said "Thank you very much".
I thought he said "I don't weigh that much"
Apparently, he weighs 215 lbs.
Jeez, what a liar, lol
Who dafuq he think he's kidding?
#Trump #TrumpArrest #RICO #Georgia #FultonCounty #ElectionInterferance #Conspiracy #FakeElectors
#trump #trumparrest #rico #georgia #fultoncounty #electioninterferance #conspiracy #fakeelectors
In 2021, #ODNI published a declassified summary of foreign threats to the #2020election, which found that #Putin had formally authorized several #influence operations that worked to denigrate Joe #Biden’s candidacy, but that there were no successful compromises of election infrastructure.
#Trump #DOJ #SpecialCounsel #JackSmith #Conspiracy #Fraud #Obstruction #ElectionInterferance
#odni #2020election #putin #influence #biden #trump #doj #specialcounsel #jacksmith #conspiracy #fraud #obstruction #electioninterferance
The Trump Campaign’s Collusion With Israel
While US media fixated on Russian interference in the 2016 election, an Israeli secret agent’s campaign to influence the outcome went unreported.
#DonaldTrump #Trump #Israel #Netanyahu #ElectionInterferance #Collusion
#donaldtrump #trump #israel #netanyahu #electioninterferance #collusion
Only a very small proportion of Twitter users are using Twitter to follow politics.
Most Twitter users are there for sports and entertainment and those users don’t really care about the political impact of what Musk is doing with Twitter.
Musk will keep a huge audience of people on Twitter and he can fill their brains with nonsense and manipulate them, including for the purpose of swaying election results.
#twitter #ElonMusk #electioninterferance #psyops
#twitter #ElonMusk #electioninterferance #psyops
@ashton it was nice of Lindsey to stop by. Oh, that’s right. He was already in #atlanta for another engagement. #FultonCo #electioninterferance
#electioninterferance #fultonco #atlanta
What's being done about this ongoing Russian interference?? They're so cavalier about their clandestine activities because there are a lack of true consequences or solutions to impede them. #electioninterferance #russianmeddlinginelection
#electioninterferance #russianmeddlinginelection