Dominion’s motion in its $1.6-billion defamation case against Fox News cites a quote from Bill Sammon, a former Fox News executive, who was fired after the election: “It’s remarkable how weak ratings make good journalists do bad things.”
#saturday #foxnewsliars #trump #electionloser
The judicial system needs more Judges like Florida Judge Middlebrooks who ordered sanctions against TFG and his attorneys for abusing the courts with frivolous lawsuits that fill dockets while other litigants can’t get justice for long periods.
California bar is also moving to disbar John Eastman , author of the wacky “Veep gets to choose the POTUS “ fantasy. Consequences deserved. Up next Kari Lake and her lawyers.
#law #Judges #ElectionLoser
Local nutjob tries to raise $33,000 to support Kari Lake's election loss bitterness.
After several weeks, nutjob lands only $168.
#AZPol #karilake #electionloser