I've released my tribute to Jean-Michel Jarre and liked the result! Give it a listen!
#simple_not_primitive #synth #electonicmusic
If you prefer to listen to music on youtube, my channel is here: #electonicmusic #simple_not_primitive #youtube #YouTubeMusic https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsFGvtn8LEL7qgAghMI8c7w
#electonicmusic #simple_not_primitive #youtube #youtubemusic
The biggest lie that social media perpetuates is that people who play synths actually have room on their desks for ornamental stuff like cacti and VHS tapes they want to flex on.
#synth #synthesizers #synthesiser #electro #electonicmusic #synthwave
#synthwave #electonicmusic #electro #synthesiser #synthesizers #synth
fed the piano through looper effects today and got some real crunchy bass stuff to happen. now I know how to get the other instruments to do it too bwahahaha this is fun #dawless #electonicmusic
#technopop #fridaydisco #GegenDummheit #GegenMissstimmung
no anmals were harmed for recording this video, de not try this at home
#electonicmusic #technopop #fridaydisco #gegendummheit #gegenmissstimmung