@flexghost The land of unlimited opportunities β€” even the opportunity to attack the authority of U.S. government & routinely commit electoral fraud suppressing, intimidating & disenfranchising supposed dissenting voters of color???
And the opportunity to be enemies of the Constitution?

The free world is shaking its big head.

#democracy #defenddemocracy #defendtheconstitution #politics #banthegop #insurrection #overthrow #electoralfraud #electoralapartheid

Last updated 2 years ago

@democracydocket Time to hold the systematically voter-suppressing & -defrauding "GOP" machinery accountable for obstucting people's sacred right to vote, just so racist "Republicans" can falsely claim to be a legitimate majority, when they're in fact not.

#ruleoflaw #freeandfairelections #unelectablegop #despotism #electoralfraud #electoralapartheid #accountabilitymatters

Last updated 2 years ago