Put More Power In Your Dental Hygiene Routine! - What do you do, when you move into a shared apartment and find only one socket is ... - https://hackaday.com/2023/07/02/put-more-power-in-your-dental-hygiene-routine/ #electrictoothbrush #gasolineengine #homehacks #morepower #4-stroke
#morepower #homehacks #gasolineengine #electrictoothbrush
Time for the tooth, the whole tooth and nothing but the tooth.
All these dental puns can only mean I'm reviewing an electric toothbrush again.
Here's my take on the Colgate Pulse Series 2 (video and text):
#Toothbrush #Colgate #ElectricToothbrush
#toothbrush #colgate #electrictoothbrush
Hacking a “Smart” Electric Toothbrush To Reset Its Usage Counter - The visible circuitry inside the brush head.
Following the trend of stuffing more ... - https://hackaday.com/2023/05/27/hacking-a-smart-electric-toothbrush-to-reset-its-usage-counter/ #electrictoothbrush #wirelesshacks #nfc
#nfc #wirelesshacks #electrictoothbrush
Toothbrush Goes from Mouth-Whitening to Room-Brightening
#electrictoothbrush #ledflashlight #rechargeable #dollarstore #flashlight #ToolHacks
#electrictoothbrush #ledflashlight #rechargeable #dollarstore #flashlight #ToolHacks