#Selling this lovely #ElectroHarmonix Battalion Bass Preamp + DI, it also has distortion and EQ and compression and a noise gate, makes a great sound.
Used a handful of times, great condition, includes power supply and manual and box, £100 or best offer https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/175698781631?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=I0iiyy9ARjC&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=I0iiyy9ARjC&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY #eBay
#ebay #electroharmonix #selling
(Custom per-pixel emulation using JB4 palette. 400x256, Bayer 2x2 dithering.)
Created in #Retrospecs for #iOS - https://8bitartwork.co.uk
#pixel #pixelArt #8bit #8BitArt #16bit #16BitArt #digitalArt #dither #dithering #electroHarmonix
#retrospecs #iOS #pixel #pixelart #8bit #8bitart #16bit #16bitart #digitalArt #dither #dithering #electroharmonix
Sorry about too little queer and too much guitar content on this instance.
So yeah, returned my bricked #Yamaha amp the the store today for sending in... and what I was most afraid of happened.
Just had to buy an #ElectroHarmonix Triangle #BigMuff #Fuzz pedal while I was there. >_> 💖
#yamaha #electroharmonix #bigmuff #fuzz
Selling a barely-used Electro Harmonix Battalion Bass Preamp DI pedal, can't see myself gigging again any time soon, please enjoy this eBay listing: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/175536478425?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=I0iiyy9ARjC&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=I0iiyy9ARjC&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
#effectspedal #bass #electroharmonix #ebay #selling
Now on Bandcamp: VesperTime
The recording of my ambient noise liveset I performed last week at Vesperkirche 2022 at St. Michaelis church Lüneburg:
#thedi #ambient #ambientnoise #fieldrecordings #drones #soundscapes #soundcollage #vesperkirche #vesperkirchelüneburg #stmichaelis #michaeliskirche #lüneburg #kirchenmusik #churchmusic #leafaudio #bastlinstruments #jomox #korg #roland #helferleinfx #mackie #digitech #electroharmonix #rocktek
#thedi #ambient #ambientnoise #fieldrecordings #drones #soundscapes #soundcollage #vesperkirche #vesperkircheluneburg #stmichaelis #michaeliskirche #luneburg #kirchenmusik #churchmusic #leafaudio #bastlinstruments #jomox #korg #roland #helferleinfx #mackie #digitech #electroharmonix #rocktek
Here's an #improvisation with overuse of the #ElectroHarmonix #RingThing. These days feel like moving through a gel. All is sluggish.
#music #mastomusic #psychedelic #drone #DroneMusic #ambient #ambientguitar
#improvisation #electroharmonix #RingThing #music #mastomusic #psychedelic #drone #dronemusic #ambient #ambientguitar
A curious #improvisation that turned out much better than I thought during its making:
The #ElectroHarmonix #RingThing is heavily featured. It contributes to the various drones. It'd been sitting in a box for over a year. I'm happy I exhumed it.
#music #MastoMusic #CreativeToots #ambient #DarkAmbient #AmbientGuitar #DroneMusic #psychedelic
#improvisation #electroharmonix #RingThing #music #mastomusic #creativetoots #ambient #darkambient #ambientguitar #dronemusic #psychedelic
I have an #ElectroHarmonix #Mel9, and though it's not 100% authentic (as you state, nothing quite is), I'm very pleased with the results it's given me.
https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/vp/c62d76c1eedf9304922b6d897eedeb5e/5D60B494/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/s640x640/58423658_394141604504029_3142382952197356506_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent.cdninstagram.com#fender #gretsch #jhs #tcelectronic #electroharmonix
#gretsch #jhs #tcelectronic #electroharmonix