CryptoNewsBot · @cryptonewsbot
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Podcasts and Vodcasts · @podcastbot
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Skeptoid #190: The Bell Island Boom by Brian Dunning This shattering boom in Newfoundland was more likely a natural phenomenon than a superweapon test.

#bellislandboom #tesla #electromagneticpulse #superweapon #skeptoidpodcast #podcast #bot

Last updated 1 year ago

SWLing Post · @swling
221 followers · 267 posts · Server
Sandy Lawrence · @swlawrence
27 followers · 130 posts · Server

AAAS: "Storied accelerator to test chips" Michigan State University’s Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) announced last week that the world’s first, historic superconducting cyclotron will receive a new lease on life testing next-generation microchips. "From 1982 to 2020, the K-500 cyclotron produced beams of atomic nuclei ranging from hydrogen [element number 1, a reactive nonmetal] to uranium [element number 92, an actinide]  for experiments in nuclear physics, relying on superconducting magnets to confine the particles." In 2022 the cyclotron was superceded by FRIB's new, more powerful $730 million linear accelerator. Usually old particle accelerators are demolished or even broken down for parts to incorporate in the newer devices. 'But thanks to a $14 million grant from the Department of Defense, the refurbished K-500 will irradiate chips to see how they perform under challenging conditions resembling those in space.' To reverse the old adage, old wine in a new bottle, pretty inexpensive way to test microchips to figure out how to harden them not just for space, but also protection from an EMP or electromagnetic pulse, either from a coronal mass ejection from the Sun or an attack by nuclear weapons.      

#physics #electromagneticpulse

Last updated 1 year ago