In 1799, Alessandro Volta developed the first electric battery. #Poetry #Science #History #Electromagnetism #Volta (
#poetry #science #history #electromagnetism #volta
Paper day! together with some colleagues we wrote an article about the #electromagnetic boundary conditions between two media in relative motion.
As it turns out, we need to use the wrong boundary conditions to get the correct results!
#FluidDynamics #MHD #ElectroMagnetism #Physics
#physics #electromagnetism #mhd #fluiddynamics #electromagnetic
In 1778 Sebald Justinus Brugmans discovered diamagnetism, and in 1845 Michael Faraday showed it to be a property of matter. #Poetry #Science #History #Diamagnetism #Electromagnetism #Brugmans (
#poetry #science #history #diamagnetism #electromagnetism #brugmans
#DavidAlbert - What #Exists?
#Philosophy #Science #Physics #PhilosophyOfScience #Ontology #Metaphysics #Realism #Numbers #Nominalism #QM #QuantumMechanics #QuantumPhysics #Particles #Fields #Electromagnetism #WaveFunction #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #wavefunction #electromagnetism #fields #particles #quantumphysics #quantummechanics #qm #nominalism #numbers #realism #metaphysics #ontology #philosophyofscience #physics #science #philosophy #exists #DavidAlbert
Kotaku: These Expensive Headphones Come With Controversial Waifus #gaming #tech #kotaku #philipsinearheadphone2fheadset #electricalengineering #consumerelectronics #electromagnetism #signalprocessing #inearmonitor #portiamunson #tonysoprano #headphones #jeremiah
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #philipsinearheadphone2fheadset #electricalengineering #consumerelectronics #electromagnetism #signalprocessing #inearmonitor #portiamunson #tonysoprano #headphones #jeremiah
A nice way to play with the fields and look at it...
Thanks for the link @HydroduMont !
Skeptoid #72: Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity: Real or Imagined? by Brian Dunning #electrosensitivity #electromagneticsensitivity #electromagnetichypersensitivity #electromagnetism #SkeptoidPodcast #podcast #bot Some claim to be hypersensitive to electromagnetism. Science has already solved what's really going on.
#electrosensitivity #electromagneticsensitivity #electromagnetichypersensitivity #electromagnetism #skeptoidpodcast #podcast #bot
Our new #NWRA_papers handle will be used to share recent publications of NWRA scientists in fundamental #fluiddynamics, #atmosphericscience, #ionospheric, #solar, and #stellar #physics, #oceanography, #statistics, #signalprocessing, #dataassimilation, and #electromagnetism.
#electromagnetism #dataassimilation #signalprocessing #statistics #oceanography #Physics #stellar #solar #ionospheric #atmosphericscience #fluiddynamics #nwra_papers
Our new #NWRA_papers handle will be used to share recent publications of NWRA scientists in fundamental #fluiddynamics, #atmosphericscience, #ionospheric, #solar, and #stellar #physics, #oceanography, #statistics, #signalprocessing, #dataassimilation, and #electromagnetism.
#electromagnetism #dataassimilation #signalprocessing #statistics #oceanography #Physics #stellar #solar #ionospheric #atmosphericscience #fluiddynamics #nwra_papers
#ArvinAsh - Why Does #Light Exist? What is Its #Purpose?
#PhilosophyOfScience #PhilosophyOfPhysics #Optics #ElectromagneticSpectrum #ElectromagneticWaves #Electromagnetism #Physics #QuantumPhysics #QuantumMechanics #QM #Senses #Sight #Photon #Photons #Duality #Einstein #AlbertEinstein #SpecialRelativity #Electrodynamics #QuantumElectrodynamics #QED
#qed #quantumelectrodynamics #electrodynamics #specialrelativity #alberteinstein #einstein #duality #photons #photon #sight #senses #qm #quantummechanics #quantumphysics #physics #electromagnetism #electromagneticwaves #electromagneticspectrum #optics #philosophyofphysics #philosophyofscience #purpose #light #ArvinAsh
I love the reasoning that even nothing is filled with something.
#quantumFoam reminds me of the older ideas of #ether which was created to explain how #electroMagnetism works in a vacuum. The difference being that there is experimental evidence of Quantum Foam.
#electromagnetism #ether #quantumfoam
#Kurzgesagt - 'You Are An Impossible #Machine'
#Science #Biology #Chemistry #Probability #MolecularBiology #Cell #Cells #Protein #Proteins #Life #LivingSystems #AminoAcid #AminoAcids #DNA #ElectroMagnetism
#electromagnetism #dna #aminoacids #aminoacid #livingsystems #life #proteins #protein #cells #cell #molecularbiology #probability #chemistry #biology #science #machine #kurzgesagt
How big is a visible #Photon?
#Physics #Optics #Experiment #Laser #LaserBeam #BeamSplitter #InterferencePattern #InterferencePatterns #DoubleSlit #DoubleSlitExperiment #Photons #Electromagnetism #Phase #PhaseDifference #Measurement #ShotNoise
#shotnoise #measurement #phasedifference #phase #electromagnetism #photons #doubleslitexperiment #doubleslit #interferencepatterns #interferencepattern #beamsplitter #laserbeam #laser #experiment #optics #physics #photon
My #EduGlow moment for today.
It’s one of my favourite lessons of Higher Physics.
Moving charge in a magnetic field. Cue a class of kids twisting their hands to work out which way the force points.
Being in Scotland, we call it the right hand rule with electron flow, but I’ve warned them others use conventional current.
#ITeachPhysics #EduTooter #physics #Electromagnetism #RightHandRule
#righthandrule #electromagnetism #physics #edutooter #iteachphysics #EduGlow
French physicist André-Marie Ampère, born OTD in 1775, was one of the founders of the science of classical #electromagnetism, the measure of electrical current is named for him #travel #France #science
#electromagnetism #travel #france #science
Hey Physicists of Twitter, here is a very simple exercise for you. We have a battery with V=10 Volt. The five capacitors are identical, all with capacity C=10 microFarad.
Find the charge Q2 in capacitor C2!
#physics #electromagnetism
How do Maxwell's equations predict that the speed of light is constant?🤔 (photo credit: Fermat's Library)
Maxwell's equations, a set of coupled partial differential equations (PDEs), describe the behaviour of electric and magnetic fields and predict that the speed of light is constant in all reference frames, which is a fundamental principle of the theory of relativity. #Electromagnetism #Relativity #SpeedOfLight #LightSpeed #Light #ElectricField #MagneticField #PDEs #Maxwell #CoupledPDEs
#coupledpdes #maxwell #PDEs #magneticfield #electricfield #light #lightspeed #speedoflight #relativity #electromagnetism
Magnetism - In 1600, William Gilbert experimented to determine the properties of magnets and declared that the Earth is a giant magnet. #Science #History #Poetry #Electromagnetism (
#science #history #poetry #electromagnetism