Well, that's not news to anyone who's been paying attention. But the following quote surprised me:
"Any province looking to upgrade its electronic records can simply send someone to Alberta to learn about its Netcare system, which has been emulated around the world."
So there's a province that actually has a good system for #ElectronicMedicalRecords ? Amazing! I thought province after province had failed at creating such a system.
#electronicmedicalrecords #abpol #canpol
Okay getting used to the hashtags thing to flag interests. So here is my first run at it: #genderwagegap #genderequity #negotiations #mediation #negotiationtactics #startups #smallbusiness #productlaunchformula #technology #electronicmedicalrecords #health #healthcare #healthcareinformation #justice #reconciliation #antiracism #indigenousrights #property #tertiaryeducation #onlinelearning #politics #politicalscience #auspol #nzpol #cancer #cancersurvivor #art #history #sustainability #climatechange #greenbuildings #disputes #alternativedisputeresolution #conciliation #restorativejustice #yarn
Jeysus I am exhausted. Must. Have. Coffee. ☕️
#genderwagegap #genderequity #negotiations #mediation #negotiationtactics #startups #smallbusiness #productlaunchformula #technology #electronicmedicalrecords #health #healthcare #healthcareinformation #justice #reconciliation #antiracism #indigenousrights #property #tertiaryeducation #onlinelearning #politics #politicalscience #auspol #nzpol #cancer #cancersurvivor #art #history #sustainability #climatechange #greenbuildings #disputes #alternativedisputeresolution #conciliation #restorativejustice #yarn
Electronic Medical Records Cracked Open by OpenClinic Bugs - Four security vulnerabilities in an open-source medical records management platform allow remote c... https://threatpost.com/electronic-medical-records-openclinic-bugs/161722/ #personalhealthinformation #electronicmedicalrecords #medicalrecordsmanagement #securityvulnerabilities #informationdisclosure #patientdatatheft #vulnerabilities #cve-2020-28937 #cve-2020-28938 #cve-2020-28939 #opensource #openclinic #bishopfox #unpatched
#unpatched #bishopfox #openclinic #opensource #cve #vulnerabilities #patientdatatheft #informationdisclosure #securityvulnerabilities #medicalrecordsmanagement #electronicmedicalrecords #personalhealthinformation