Can somebody, familiar with these kind of #electronics, please help me to identify this transformer, which was part of the power supply circuitry inside a #projector.
A colleague of mine brought me his broken #beamer after, according to him, it had sparked out of its ventilation slits near the power plug, when he plugged it in.
I looked at the circuitry and it became rather obvious that the transformer gave out, as the PCB was charred around it.
#electronics #projector #beamer #electronicsrepair #DIYrepair #righttorepair
these are easily the least bad of the old clamps but i’ll probably clean them later too
but not until after i finish the cast iron 1924 lamp
anybody got a fill epoxy good for outdoor use on cast iron? it’ll get blued and then painted of course.
#diy #shop #electronicsrepair #electronics
I'm replacing the digitizer on my old Zune HD and need a suggestion. Should I use E-8000 or LOCA glue to adhere the digitizer to the front panel? I think the original digitizer was glued on using LOCA, but I don't have any experience with using a UV-activated adhesive so I'm not sure how complicated that will make things.
#zune #zunehd #electronicsrepair #screenrepair
Has anyone reverse-engineered one of the "600W" Chinese buck converters? Topology seems to be a fairly standard two-FET buck, but all the chip markings have been scrubbed. Curious if anyone's figured out what they are. This one died after only a day in service.
#Electronics #ElectronicsRepair
#electronicsrepair #electronics
#cassette #vintageaudio #electronicsrepair #boomboxes Trying to repair a Sharp QT77 Dual cassette deck. Replaced all the belts but both decks are making a clicking sound on playback and the vibration can be felt through the play button. Ff, RW work. Play button will not stay depressed when powered on (but will when off). Tape sensor issue (maybe it thinks Im at the end of tape)? see video for sound. Any guesses?
#cassette #vintageaudio #electronicsrepair #boomboxes
The "PERICOM PI7C8150MA" on my "Advantech PCA-6114P10-B" decided to fail mid hardware testing on the "ADLINK NuPRO-760". >:|
Sadly that's the PCI-PCI bridge that gave an additional 7 PCI slots but no major loss as after removing the bad IC I can still use the first 3 PCI slots and the ISA slots as well.
#retrocomputing #vintagecomputers #electronicsrepair
Was asked about the scale of the repair, USB A for reference. The board is now booting! Time to do some hardware stability testing.
#retrocomputing #vintagecomputers #electronicsrepair
Working on fixing the "ADLINK NuPRO-760" I picked up off eBay as-is/for-parts. Someone shouldn't be allowed to remove ICs from sockets as that was the cause of the damage but appears to be repairable.
#retrocomputing #vintagecomputers #electronicsrepair
Just spent $8.00 on a "QDI P5I430VX/250DM EXPLORER II 3.0(s3.2) Socket 7 Motherboard" on eBay. Pictures show blown tantalum capacitors so hopefully its repairable and if not It will get me several parts I can use to repair some of my other boards.
#retrocomputing #electronicsrepair
3 out of 4 of my Joy-Cons are experiencing drift, so I figured it was time to replace the joysticks. I sprung for these ones that use hall sensors as I've read good things about their longevity vs a potentiometer-based stick.
Installation was a breeze and they've been great so far! Maybe a bit touchier than OEM, but that could just be me getting used to the new sensor type.
Here's hoping they last!
#NintendoSwitch #JoyCon #JoyCons #Joystick #ElectronicsRepair #DIY
#nintendoswitch #joycon #joycons #joystick #electronicsrepair #diy
My grandparents old ~1990s kitchen radio (Telefunken RC 651) was disassembled, degreased (smelled like Grandmas food but was covered in grease/dust mix, sticky and disgusting), got a new belt for the tape drive and a bluetooth implant. Instead of going to the trash this radio will live on as kitchen radio and play old tapes, UKW or podcasts. #ElectronicsRepair #hifi
Aaand it works again. #repair #hifi #ElectronicsRepair
#repair #hifi #electronicsrepair
A few years ago I bought an iRig BlueBoard Bluetooth MIDI switch. The listing on ebay from the official IK Multimedia page said it was "open box", but it turned out to be pretty worn unit with a dead C button backlight 😳
Back in a day I was pretty bad at soldering, though I ordered a few sets of replacement #SMD LEDs from AliExpress and fixed that dead one. Despite all my attempts I still failed to find an exact color match, so today, since I had time and there was no blackout, I decided to replace the rest. I did loose two replacement LEDs before I figured a quick way to solder new ones in place, but it turned out pretty well and I guess that is the only way to learn 🙌
#soldering #solder #hakko #hakko888d #hakkofa400 #ifixit #ifixitukraine #ifixittools #diy #sustainability #reuse #ReuseRecycle #repairproject #ifixitprotechtoolkit #repairculture #repairability #repaircafe #shotonfairphone #ShotOnFairphone4 #ElectronicsRepair #electronics #righttorepair
#smd #soldering #solder #hakko #hakko888d #hakkofa400 #ifixit #ifixitukraine #ifixittools #DIY #sustainability #reuse #reuserecycle #repairproject #ifixitprotechtoolkit #repairculture #repairability #repaircafe #shotonfairphone #ShotOnFairphone4 #electronicsrepair #electronics #righttorepair
I'm really getting a charge out of this new package. #electronics #ElectronicsRepair #analogcable
#analogcable #electronicsrepair #electronics
How I feel when I'm repairing vintage electronics. #vintagecomputing #oldcomputers #oldtech #oldtechnology #retrotech #ElectronicsRepair #vintageelectronics
#vintagecomputing #oldcomputers #oldtech #oldtechnology #retrotech #electronicsrepair #vintageelectronics
Good blog post on the cause of failures of old #Rifa capacitors. Doesn't change the fact you should change them on-sight, but it's interesting to see why they fail. (spoiler: the plastic case cracks and lets moisture in)
#retrocomputing #electronics #ElectronicsRepair
#electronicsrepair #electronics #retrocomputing #Rifa
Fixing my dryer #repair #dryer #hoover #sustainability #electronicsrepair #electronics
#repair #dryer #hoover #sustainability #electronicsrepair #electronics
Since the most likely culprit is the factory grease on the rotary encoders, I probably need to open it up, clean them, and re-grease. Anyone have suggestions for a reputable brand of dielectric grease?
#electronics #electronicsRepair #testequipment
#testequipment #electronicsrepair #electronics
The oscilloscope on the tuner is not working, and one of the indicator lights on the power amp seems to be burnt out. So now it’s time to look for affordable electronics diagnostic gear and brush up on some soldering skills, I guess.
#hifi #diy #electronicsrepair
Some late night surgery pics from last night's repair of the amp on one of my monitors.
It wouldn't have happened without this excellent documentation of the problem.
The part was $0.42 and it took about an hour to disassemble and reassemble.
#StudioMonitors #AudioEngineer #Electronics #ElectronicsRepair
#studiomonitors #audioengineer #electronics #electronicsrepair