Local coordination of mRNA storage and degradation near #mitochondria modulates C. #elegans ageing
Nektarios Tavernarakis and colleagues
mRNA degradation pathway factors form local foci to regulate mitochondria-targeted transcript content and mitochondrial function during systemic stress response and ageing in worms
A #phylogenetic profiling approach identifies novel #ciliogenesis genes in #Drosophila and C. #elegans
Jeroen Dobbelaere et al Dammermann Lab
#phylogenetic #ciliogenesis #Drosophila #elegans
A small RNA system ensures accurate homologous pairing & unpaired silencing of #meiotic #chromosomes in C. #elegans
Hiroaki Tabara et al show #argonaute proteins CSR-1 and CSR-2 targeting repeat-derived #lncRNAs to mediate both #synaptonemal complex formation and condensation of unpaired chromosomes
#meiotic #Chromosomes #elegans #Argonaute #lncrnas #synaptonemal
Towards a core gene-regulatory network during C. #elegans larval #development and #molting:
Screen by Helge Grosshans and coworkers (FMI Basel) identifies key role of #Grainyhead/LSF #transcription factor GRH-1 in rhythmic transcript accumulation
#elegans #development #molting #grainyhead #transcription
How do #nematodes distantly related to the best-studied one, #Caenorhabditis #elegans, make their #gut, given that the genes responsible for specifying the gut in C. elegans are absent in other nematodes?
#Biology #sflorg
#nematodes #Caenorhabditis #elegans #gut #biology #sflorg
How do #nematodes distantly related to the best-studied one, #Caenorhabditis #elegans, make their #gut, given that the genes responsible for specifying the gut in C. elegans are absent in other nematodes?
#Biology #sflorg
#nematodes #Caenorhabditis #elegans #gut #biology #sflorg
Delighted to see you here, Maureen!!! 🙂
#Cilia #Elegans - Power to the #ScienceFediverse!
#Cilia #elegans #ScienceFediverse #newhere #ScienceMastodon
Starkes Bild!
Eine Große #Pechlibelle #GroßePechlibelle #Ischnura #elegans #IschnuraElegans
#IschnuraElegans #elegans #Ischnura #GroßePechlibelle #Pechlibelle
Große #Pechlibelle, am blau getupften Flügelmal leicht zu erkennen unter den schwer unterscheidbaren blauen Kleinlibellen.
In Alzey am Rückhaltebecken.
#GroßePechlibelle #Ischnura #elegans #IschnuraElegans #Libellen #Odonata #smartphonefotografie
#smartphonefotografie #odonata #Libellen #IschnuraElegans #elegans #Ischnura #GroßePechlibelle #Pechlibelle