Elemental Child & Frankie Kay – YAZORA


"If you are who you say, and it was fate that brought us here, then...my path is clear." — when Yozora encounters Sora.

"Wenn du bist, wer du sagst, und es das Schicksal war, das uns hierher gebracht hat, dann... ist mein Weg klar." — Yozora als er Sora


#elementalchild #frankiekay #kingdomhearts #yozora

Last updated 1 year ago

Elemental Child – The Death Of Time



Ja liebe Freunde, Halloween ist nicht mehr weit.....
Und die Moral von der Geschichte: ; Geduld ist eine Tugend ! :-)

Yes dear friends, Halloween is not far away.....
And the moral of the story: ; Patience is a virtue ! :-)


#death #elementalchild #friends #halloween #patience

Last updated 1 year ago

Elemental Child feat. Jochen S . – Sealed in Ice

"Ice contains no future, just the past, sealed away. As if they're alive, everything in the world is sealed up inside, clear and distinct." - Haruki Murakami.

„Eis enthält keine Zukunft, nur die Vergangenheit, versiegelt. Als

#elementalchild #musik #christmas #jochen #sealedinice #winter

Last updated 2 years ago

Elemental Child & Frankie Kay – Time & Space

"An Immersive Journey Through Space and Time", is one possible journey through the most detailed 3D model of the universe. It starts from Earth, and charts out a voyage throughout the various scales of the universe, from our solar system, to the

#elementalchild #musik #electro #space #time #voyage

Last updated 2 years ago

MuSociety · @MuSociety
12 followers · 99 posts · Server home.social

Elemental Child – Dream Forest

„Nature always wears the colors of the spirit.”– Ralph Waldo Emerson

„Die Natur trägt immer die Farben des Geistes." – Ralph Waldo Emerson


#elementalchild #musik #mistical #trip

Last updated 2 years ago

MuSociety · @MuSociety
9 followers · 82 posts · Server home.social

Elemental Child – The Painter

“Love is the only memory one never loses, Isaac.” His father had said. “Because even if one loses his mind the memory always remains in the heart.” - Felix Alexander

"Liebe ist die einzige Erinnerung, die man nie verliert, Isaac."

#elementalchild #musik #alzheimer #memories #theoblivion #thepainter

Last updated 2 years ago

MuSociety · @MuSociety
4 followers · 31 posts · Server home.social

Elemental Child – Clarity

“You must read, you must persevere, you must sit up nights, you must inquire, and exert the utmost power of your mind. If one way does not lead to the desired meaning, take another; if obstacles arise, then still another; until, if your strength holds out, you will find that cle

#elementalchild #musik #chillout #cure #meditation #relax

Last updated 2 years ago

MuSociety · @MuSociety
5 followers · 17 posts · Server nerdculture.de

Elemental Child – No Anger

Die Wut ist verraucht, komplett überwunden .......Wir gingen nach vorne, und wir haben gewonnen

Ohne Limits gespielt, das Optimale erzielt ......Tanzen immer auf den richtigen Beat, tanzen immer zum richtigen Beat

The anger is gone, completely overcome ................We went forward, an

#elementalchild #musik #optimum #winning

Last updated 2 years ago