Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Amy Coney Barrett Thinks People Have 'Misimpressions' of the Supreme Court #Jezebel #supremecourtoftheunitedstates #amyconeybarrett #clarencethomas #antoninscalia #supremecourt #samuelalito #johnroberts #elenakagan #dianesykes #lawclerk #lawcrime #roevwade #wade #roe
#jezebel #supremecourtoftheunitedstates #amyconeybarrett #clarencethomas #antoninscalia #supremecourt #samuelalito #johnroberts #elenakagan #dianesykes #lawclerk #lawcrime #roevwade #wade #roe
Supreme Court entscheidet: Apple muss App Store Regeln noch nicht ändern
Der US-Supreme Court hat am Mittwoch entschieden, dass Apple seine "Anti-Steering"-Regeln des App Stores nicht änder
#News #Tellerrand #AntiSteeringRegeln #AppStore #Apple #Berufungen #DigitaleGter #ElenaKagan #Entwickler #EpicGames #EpicVsApple #Notfallantrag #Rechtsstreit #SupremeCourt #Zahlungsmethoden
#News #tellerrand #antisteeringregeln #appstore #Apple #berufungen #digitalegter #elenakagan #Entwickler #epicgames #epicvsapple #notfallantrag #rechtsstreit #supremecourt #zahlungsmethoden
“We’re not imperial”: Elena Kagan contradicts Alito, says “of course Congress can regulate” SCOTUS — “It just can’t be that the court is the only institution that somehow is not subject to checks and balances”
#SCOTUSRegulation #ChecksAndBalances #ElenaKagan #AlitoContradiction #ImperialCourt #CongressPower #Politics #News
#scotusregulation #checksandbalances #elenakagan #alitocontradiction #imperialcourt #congresspower #politics #news
'In a shot across the bow of this #radical court, in her dissent to Biden v. Nebraska, #Justice #ElenaKagan wrote that “the Court, by deciding this case, exercises authority it does not have. It violates the Constitution.”
Do read Mark Joseph Stern's takedown of #JohnRoberts' utterly bogus reasoning in the #StudentDebt case -- and his snotty, bullshit response to completely legit criticism by #ElenaKagan. #SCOTUS
#scotus #elenakagan #studentdebt #johnroberts
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: The Supreme Court Just Made Millions of Americans $10,000 Poorer #Jezebel #studentborrowerprotectioncenter #supremecourtoftheunitedstates #sarahliptonlubet #amyconeybarrett #clarencethomas #bidenvnebraska #supremecourt #samuelalito #studentdebt #studentloan #johnroberts #harlancrow #elenakagan #paulsinger #joebiden #lawcrime #grants #alito #biden #brown
#jezebel #studentborrowerprotectioncenter #supremecourtoftheunitedstates #sarahliptonlubet #amyconeybarrett #clarencethomas #bidenvnebraska #supremecourt #samuelalito #studentdebt #studentloan #johnroberts #harlancrow #elenakagan #paulsinger #joebiden #lawcrime #grants #alito #Biden #brown
Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Jack Daniel's Over Dog Toy in Trademark Dispute #SupremeCourt #JackDaniels #trademark #BadSpaniels #ElenaKagan #FirstAmendment #politicaliq #news #politics
#supremecourt #jackdaniels #trademark #badspaniels #elenakagan #FirstAmendment #politicaliq #News #politics
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Sue's News: A Round-Up of Screw Yous #Jezebel #presidencyofdonaldtrump #englishprofanity #amyconeybarrett #soniasotomayor #interjections #brianlaundrie #gabbypetito #donaldtrump #etymologies #rondesantis #linguistics #kimreynolds #sexualslang #elenakagan #alexandria #leonardleo #chickfila #elonmusk #contents #roberta #casey #words #fuck
#jezebel #presidencyofdonaldtrump #englishprofanity #amyconeybarrett #soniasotomayor #interjections #brianlaundrie #gabbypetito #donaldtrump #etymologies #rondesantis #linguistics #kimreynolds #sexualslang #elenakagan #alexandria #LeonardLeo #chickfila #elonmusk #contents #roberta #casey #words #fuck
New Yorker: How Andy Warhol Turned the Supreme Court Justices Into Art Critics #NewYorker #CopyrightInfringement #News/DailyComment #SoniaSotomayor #SupremeCourt #AndyWarhol #ElenaKagan #Artists #Prince #Art
#newyorker #copyrightinfringement #news #soniasotomayor #supremecourt #AndyWarhol #elenakagan #artists #prince #art
The US Supreme Court made its decision today in a copyright case involving whether Andy Warhol's use of a photo of Prince taken by photographer Lynn Goldsmith was allowed as a fair use. The Court said Nope.
Justice Elena Kagan minced no words in telling her colleagues how badly they fucked up. The conclusion of her dissent is on the next page of this post.
#USSupremeCourt #SCOTUS #ElenaKagan #dissent #copyright #FairUse #AndyWarhol #LynnGoldsmith
#lynngoldsmith #andywarhol #fairuse #copyright #dissent #elenakagan #scotus #ussupremecourt
“#SCOTUS #Justice #ElenaKagan said one could question why #Congress provided such protections when passing #Section230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996, which has been interpreted by courts to provide wide #immunity from lawsuits when the sites post content from outside parties.
“But she drew laughter when she wondered how far SCOTUS should go in cutting back such protection.
“‘You know, these are not like the nine greatest experts on the internet’ #JusticeKagan said.”
#scotus #justice #elenakagan #congress #section230 #immunity #justicekagan #notanexpert
Justice Alito Jokes About Black Kids In KKK Robes, Which Further Proves He Shouldn't Serve On the Supreme Court | #kukluxklanmembersinunitedstatespolitics #whitesupremacyintheunitedstates #discriminationintheunitedstates #antisemitismintheunitedstates #racismintheunitedstates #antieuropeansentiment #antislavicsentiment #ketanjibrownjackson #antiirishsentiment #kristenwaggoner #socialissues #elenakagan #roe
#kukluxklanmembersinunitedstatespolitics #whitesupremacyintheunitedstates #discriminationintheunitedstates #antisemitismintheunitedstates #racismintheunitedstates #antieuropeansentiment #antislavicsentiment #ketanjibrownjackson #antiirishsentiment #kristenwaggoner #socialissues #elenakagan #roe
The Electoral College Increases Election Security | Opinion #Electoralcollege #JoeBiden #DonaldTrump #ElenaKagan #SupremeCourt
#supremecourt #elenakagan #donaldtrump #joebiden #electoralcollege